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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 19, 2009
as im not living in the usa, i had someone(via internet shop) pre-ordered and paid 250 usd deposits. however on the 28th march, i was informed by the seller that my order was canceled due to 2 stocks-per account purchasing policy. that means i had to look for another internet shop. but apple wont delivery it by 12th april.

so i was calling my friend for help. he said he will bring me one without any tax (NAT0). bummer, today i called him again to confirm it before he leaves for the usa,i found out they are going to colddddd lack in canada. he thought its available also in canada according to his previous experiences with apple products purchasing. thats why he promised me.

ohhhh, he will be back in Europe at 24thhhhhhhhh. anybody knows when is 'late april' ? .... i m getttingg crazy
Friday 23rd April at 15:00 hrs BST,
Regent Street, London,
Steve Jobs,

Does that make you happy?
I don't think it is wise of you to make promises that you cannot fulfill. You are going to be held fully responsible for this :apple:


It's as good a guess as any I have seen on this site. Is also why I added a smiley.
as im not living in the usa, i had someone(via internet shop) im desperate

Desperate is a homeless mother of 2 infants.

Desperate is someone in need of a kidney transplant with no kidneys available.

Depserate is an earthquake victim.

You are not desperate. Relax. Go outside. Get some fresh air.
Desperate is a homeless mother of 2 infants.

Desperate is someone in need of a kidney transplant with no kidneys available.

Depserate is an earthquake victim.

You are not desperate. Relax. Go outside. Get some fresh air.

desperate /d'espərət/
adjective: hopeless, forlorn, despairing

If you are desperate for something or desperate to do something, you want or need it very much indeed.

It's as good a guess as any I have seen on this site. Is also why I added a smiley.

Call CS and be pursuasive and nice. I've been told the same thing as someone else, that they've had a few units for training. The release may be simultaneous (3G + Wifi). A 24th release is imminent.
Desperate is a homeless mother of 2 infants.

Desperate is someone in need of a kidney transplant with no kidneys available.

Depserate is an earthquake victim.

You are not desperate. Relax. Go outside. Get some fresh air.

Desperate also means "having a great need or desire for something".

Give the guy a break eh? ;)
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