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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 7, 2003
Is there a better chat app for the iPad yet?

Beejive would do it for me but i'm finding IM+ isn't reliable overall.
sadly I have not found one yet. I really want to have beejive back, but for some reason they haven't optimized it yet! I haven't wanted to buy IM+ because I want Beejive. So for now I am using AIM....
I'm currently using IM+ on my iPad and it's fine. I do prefer the interface and settings of Beejive. I hope an iPad version comes out soon.
waah, colloquy's missing too. At least the colloquy guys are working on it.

Beejive, not at all.
Check the iPhone Beejive app description. It is being developed

The million dollar question is:

Will it be a universal app?
Yeah, I tried IM+ and it's really sad when the UI for the free AIM is so much more intuitive.

Was there ever an iPhone IM app that did OTR?
I use AIM, which is free. I have no complaints. It's never crashed on me, I like the UI, and it works with other services such as Facebook Chat in a seamless way.
Beejive for iPad is now in the app store. For those above that have used IM+ for iPad and are now buying Beejive - I'd be interested in getting your comparison comments.
I was prepared to feel aggravated over the BeejiveIM for iPad application not being universal, but I couldn't muster even slight indignation over the whole thing.

BeejiveIM for iPad incorporates many different UI elements from the iPhone while bringing everything to the iPad form factor. If you've used the iPhone app you will definitely recognize a lot of the iPad app.

Let's be clear. BeejiveIM for iPad is in no way a revolutionary application that is massively different from the iPhone application. They share UI elements, Settings screen, and function more or less the same way.

It should be a universal application, but I use BeejiveIM so much for work I just can't be bothered about the price.
I have both now. Beejive is nowhere near as good. I was really disappointed. It feels so bare bones, like the just rushed it out, which is bizarre since it's not even a launch app...
I have both, and bought IM+ originally because it was the only workable multi-protocol IM client for the iPad. I was (and am) using Beejive on the iPhone.

I don't care for the UI on IM+ at all. It may have more features, but it just feels "off" to me (I know, very subjective). So much so that after a day of using it on the iPad I went back to using the iPhone version of Beejive in x2 mode until the native release popped up.

The browser is the only unique feature of IM+ I do like, but I'm still unsure why they put a floating semi-transparent button in the message text area to switch to it when they have most of their tool bar sitting empty.

I also had issues with notifications in IM+. To a certain extent that is mitigated by it having an in-app browser (you CAN open links in Beejive without leaving the application, but you don't have an address bar), but if I was using it for IM and NOT browsing and instead using another app then it WAS an issue. Could have been a temporary server issue, just a shame it clashed with my usage.

I might let IM+ hang out on my iPad for a bit and see where it goes, but I can't see using it seriously at this point. But each to their own :)

I DID apprecaite that IM+ was a universal binary, even if there is no way in hell I'd ever use it on the iPhone.
Beejive is now officially out in app store for ipad and at special price for a short time, get it while its hot ! ;)
Good call. I still question putting the return button so close to the delete key. It's so easy to send something when you were trying to correct something.

Beejive is now officially out in app store for ipad and at special price for a short time, get it while its hot ! ;)
Installed BeeJive. For me it seems to do a better job of connecting than IM+ did. It is a very poor choice to use the right hand column to show Active Chats. That's a huge waste of space. It it was me I'd just require that you drag your finger on the name in the buddy list. There's absolutely no point in wasting all t that space especially if you've only got one chat open at any one time.

Good call. I still question putting the return button so close to the delete key. It's so easy to send something when you were trying to correct something.
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