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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
So I got a film SLR. And I \shot a roll of film and I really thought I had good pictures and I was excited tabout it. I was going to get the film developed. I have a Konica FS-1 which doesn't have an auto rewind. So I rewinded it accoing to the manual. and when i finished and opened the film door. the film was ripped and half was in the canister and half was still in the camera. I pulled out the film in teh camera and put it in teh little case thingy. what is going to happen with this film? Can I still develop it somehow?


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
thebiggoose said:
So I got a film SLR. And I \shot a roll of film and I really thought I had good pictures and I was excited tabout it. I was going to get the film developed. I have a Konica FS-1 which doesn't have an auto rewind. So I rewinded it accoing to the manual. and when i finished and opened the film door. the film was ripped and half was in the canister and half was still in the camera. I pulled out the film in teh camera and put it in teh little case thingy. what is going to happen with this film? Can I still develop it somehow?

If there is any film that was left in the roll itself, that can be developed. You're screwed on the rest.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
that ****ing sucks....GAHHHHHHHHHHH I wanna cry or scream i don't know which. Your sure there's nothing that can be done?


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
thebiggoose said:
that ****ing sucks....GAHHHHHHHHHHH I wanna cry or scream i don't know which. Your sure there's nothing that can be done?

Anything that was not in the canister was exposed to too much light and has been ruined.


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2006
yo that blows! but where did it rip? if you still have the piece that you pulled out, start counting squares. 8-squares = 1-exposure. if the film ripped at the end of the roll you might not have much left to develop.



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Is the camera a manual rewind? Somehow, if it was a motor rewind, I would think that it would stop if it met resistance, like the film wasn't released to spool backwards. It would take a lot of force to rip the film completely in two pieces. I have seen folks try to manually rewind film in a manual camera without pressing the release button first (usually on the bottom of the camera) and ripping the sprocket holes out before jamming things up.

Anyway, sounds like a strange situation, but I have to concur with the others... any film which was exposed to light after you opened the camera back is definately toast. Bummer.


Oct 17, 2005
Ive had the same....

First day i had my DSLR went to a baloon festival and got some wicked shots of the girlfreind.

Lost them all as the card was corrupted! had to be returned for a new one.



macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
practice and experiment

Here is what you do... waste a roll of film. Patice loading and unloading. Don't close the back of the camera. Rewind it with the back open. Stop just before the tail of the film is pulled back inside the cartridge. Then re-load and repeat the exercise. Do this about 10 times or unill it becomes completely un-eventfull and borring. Then try it with the camera back closed. After this you will develop a feel for the film and know when it is stuck.
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