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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2006
Ok im looking for my first camera. im using it for fun an recreation but still want a good quality and good image quality camera that will last quite some time. image stabilization is moderately important too. i need something under $400 CANADIAN DOLLARS. thank you so much! iv read do many reviews and tutorials but i just cant seem to find the right camera for me that will fit my budget. so far im looking at this but dont know if its a good name brand OLYMPUS SP-350 BLACK 8MP 3X

Super Macho Man

macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2006
Hollywood, CA
You will get a lot of responses along the lines of "I love my ____!!!" where ___ = every digital camera under the sun. For casual photography in that price range you really can't go wrong.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Everyone says they need image stabalization, and most do not. ;)

So you just want a camera for recreation, right? The Olympus SP350 looks average sized, so I'm guessing you don't need one of those ultra-thin cameras?

If you don't, then there really are a lot of cameras out there that will serve you well. Olympus is a good company. Casio makes some fantastic thin cameras. Futureshop is selling the Casio Futureshop is selling the Canon A540 for $300 CDN, while the Canon SD600 is $399. I have a Canon SD300 (I think.....I actually own an IXUS 40, which is what it's known as outside North America and Japan), and other than a few nitpicky things, I think it's good.

Haha, I think that regardless of what you get, it'll make you happy. Olympus is a fine company. Go with that one. :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2006
i went with this, Fujifilm FinePix S5200 Digital Camera. spent all last night researching on sites, reviews, chat rooms and spent all day with a man in my local camera store, took sample pictures in various conditions, zooms,modes, accesories, went over all the basics and he was very very helpful!


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Sweener88 said:
Ok im looking for my first camera. im using it for fun an recreation but still want a good quality and good image quality camera that will last quite some time. image stabilization is moderately important too. i need something under $400 CANADIAN DOLLARS. thank you so much! iv read do many reviews and tutorials but i just cant seem to find the right camera for me that will fit my budget. so far im looking at this but dont know if its a good name brand OLYMPUS SP-350 BLACK 8MP 3X

That SP-350 is about as good as they get. Pretty much the top of the line from the most respected company in the P&S digicam busines. Oly has a 50 year history as a first rate camera company. One of the best features of the sp350 is the hot shoe that alows for an extrnal strobe so you can do some bounce off the ceiling flash and loose the redeye and harsh shadows you get with other point and shots. Also the sp350 shoots in RAW format if you like, (Canon has removed this feature from all but their DSLR camera)

But from the description of your needs you could save some money, the SP350 may be over kill.


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2006
Olympus is a great brand. I've got a 2MP camera that's been to hell and back, but STILL works and STILL takes good pictures.

The Canon Powershot series is great as well.

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
I would wholeheartedly recommend the Fuji F20 (cheaper point and shoot), F30 (with aperture and shutter priority), or the F31fd (extra feature of "face detection"). Solidly built, and gets great pictures indoors. The flash also works very well on this camera adjusting for different brightnesses, and pictures are sharp corner to corner.

The few downsides is that it requires xD and the lens doesn't start out very wide. Also tends to blow out highlights outdoors and purple fringing.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2003
I believe Olympus and Sony both use proprietary memory formats. I'd recommend getting something with an SD (aka MMC) card, which is by far the most universal card nowadays. My logic being, the more universal the memory, the better the price.

In January I bought my first digital camera, and I went with Casio Exilim. Go to a Ritz Camera or similar store. Since they keep the cameras behind the counter, they have less wear and tear, and they don't have huge security parts attached to them, making it easy to get a feel for weight and size.

As you shop, keep in mind not to just get the smallest camera- for example, I can't get the smallest, cuz I have huge hands.

Good Luck!
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