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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 18, 2017
All, I'm sticking with my iPhone 8 plus. We (the big international we) will have masks for at least three more years. 13 has nothing more but for high-end users. You go!... Bloomberg says weakest upgrade yet. Nothing wrong with face ID, but c'mon. The world has changed. We need a phone adapted to our times. Tell me.


macrumors 68020
Aug 1, 2008
All, I'm sticking with my iPhone 8 plus. We (the big international we) will have masks for at least three more years. 13 has nothing more but for high-end users. You go!... Bloomberg says weakest upgrade yet. Nothing wrong with face ID, but c'mon. The world has changed. We need a phone adapted to our times. Tell me.
There's nothing wrong with keeping the 8 plus if it's working for you. When/if Apple releases something that you're interested in you can upgrade then, no worries. You should also take some time to submit feedback to Apple here:


macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
It’s built for an ideally mask-less world, and that’s just one small reason for why we need to work together to return to normal. Just because most of us are wearing masks right now isn’t really a reason not to keep building phones with it.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
All, I'm sticking with my iPhone 8 plus. We (the big international we) will have masks for at least three more years. 13 has nothing more but for high-end users. You go!... Bloomberg says weakest upgrade yet. Nothing wrong with face ID, but c'mon. The world has changed. We need a phone adapted to our times. Tell me.

I'll be sticking with my iPhone 11 Pro Max which I got in February 2021.

And my 6s+, and my 5, and my 4s, and my 4 and my 3GS.

And, oh yeah, my Pixel 3a XL and my HTC Touch Pro too.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 18, 2017
Awesome. Just so you know, I will not be upgrading my toilet. I will be sticking with my current toilet for the foreseeable future.
Waterman316, Thanks for that. In 1596 by Sir John Harington, invented the toilet. Few upgrades since. But yah, go with it.


macrumors member
Jun 29, 2014
hmmm thats interesting.

I have the iPhone 7plus and if I was ready financially, I'd get the 13 for sure, sooner rather than later. Considering how much society depends on their phones for everyday life- an upgrade from a 7 or 8 would be great any way you slice it. At least it seems that way to me!


May 13, 2010
@Johnontheweb you come here and tell people you’re satisfied with your device that came out 4 years ago when people here aren’t even satisfied with the latest on offer. I admire your courage.

I use a 7 and an 8 myself. 8 doesn’t need replacement. An upgrade would be good considering display improvements, primarily, but do I need it for my requirements? No. Hence, it stays.

My 7 has an issue with earpiece - I’m unable to clean it enough for full sound to come through, now. I’m going to get it cleaned and use it for another year - because I don’t need to replace that either.

If you feel you’re fine with your current device, you are. Don’t feel a peer pressure or anything, they aren’t paying for your new device. Don’t upgrade till you encounter something you can’t do with your current device that you want to do. Or at least till it loses software support in terms of upgrades. In any case, Apple phones can be kept for 5 years with full software support, so why not, until, like I said, we can’t do something in our current device that we can in a newer device.

I see a lot of fun and mockery going on here, but let that be. They are not stakeholders in your life and your expenses.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX


macrumors member
Nov 12, 2020
All, I'm sticking with my iPhone 8 plus. We (the big international we) will have masks for at least three more years. 13 has nothing more but for high-end users. You go!... Bloomberg says weakest upgrade yet. Nothing wrong with face ID, but c'mon. The world has changed. We need a phone adapted to our times. Tell me.
Buy a watch, your watch can unlock your phone when facial recognition sees a mask.
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macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I wear a mask and its not an issue…my Apple watch unlocks my iPhone
Agreed, Apple Watch plus faceID is a great solution with a mask. That said, FaceID and masks is a PITA without an AW (I have a work phone with faceID and no AW paired to that phone, and it sucks).
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