@Johnontheweb you come here and tell people you’re satisfied with your device that came out 4 years ago when people here aren’t even satisfied with the latest on offer. I admire your courage.
I use a 7 and an 8 myself. 8 doesn’t need replacement. An upgrade would be good considering display improvements, primarily, but do I need it for my requirements? No. Hence, it stays.
My 7 has an issue with earpiece - I’m unable to clean it enough for full sound to come through, now. I’m going to get it cleaned and use it for another year - because I don’t need to replace that either.
If you feel you’re fine with your current device, you are. Don’t feel a peer pressure or anything, they aren’t paying for your new device. Don’t upgrade till you encounter something you can’t do with your current device that you want to do. Or at least till it loses software support in terms of upgrades. In any case, Apple phones can be kept for 5 years with full software support, so why not, until, like I said, we can’t do something in our current device that we can in a newer device.
I see a lot of fun and mockery going on here, but let that be. They are not stakeholders in your life and your expenses.