I think you're getting "replaced" and "exchanged" mixed up. I bought my iPhone at the AT&T store less than 30 days ago. AT&T stores have something called the buyer's remorse program. That means within 30 days of purchase for whatever reason you can have your equipment returned for a refund, or exchanged for the same product. However a 10% restocking fee applies to the iPhone-which I am willing to pay. As long as there is no physical damage on the phone. Having an iPhone replaced, is when there is a defect within the phone, you go to the Apple Store, a genius validates the defect, and they issue you a replacement phone. Although as long as you meet the requirements I mentioned you can exchange/return, the AT&T store might still ask why I would be requesting an exchange. In that case I can just tell them that I think my in call volume is seems too low. And I wouldn't be lying either. But usually they don't ask (as long as you qualify you can exchange/return). My in call volume is a bit low-although I'm not sure if it's within spec or not. Anyways, that's if they ask. If they ask I'd have to tell them something. Now I am probably NOT going to exchange my iPhone, considering I haven't had any issues with it, besides the in call volume. Now I MIGHT go through with the exchange process. And that's only if I'd benefit from having an iPhone running 3.0/3.0.1. For now I will be waiting for the 3.1 jailbreak for the 3G S.