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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 14, 2015
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hello MacRumors!

I just purchased an used iMac 14.2; 27", i5 3.4 GHz quad core, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD and nVidia GTX 775m 2 GB. It came with Apple Care lasting till April of next year (2017) to a reasonable price.

It makes a weird clicking noise but not like loud clicks but more like old modems or computers did. It does it whenever it is turned on and does continuously. I have not heard this kind of sound in other iMacs before and I was therefore wondering if it is a faulty hard drive or something else?

Hope someone knows the answer!

Furthermore, I have done a Smart Utility test and the drive passed. The disk write/read speed are about 90/120 mb/s.
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