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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2003
Dublin, Ohio
my iMac was running very slowly on panther. I did the disk utility on it, and it didn't help me much. I called Applecare and they told me to do the software restore thing after running some tests. So, I did and it seamed faster. I installed panther about a week later and everything was fine for the first 3 days or slow, and now I have the same problem. Can anyone reccomed anything to do before I have to call applecare again about this? Thanks in advance,
Originally posted by 1macker1
I have a 17" imac also, and i just ordered Panther Friday, I hope I dont have those types of problems.

I'm with you - my nice new iMac will be here in a week and I sure don't hope I have any problems! I'm a switcher, and this will be my first Mac experience, so let's hope it 's not a bad one or else I might have to go back to the PC world, where I have actually not had any troubles whatsoever (guess I'm one of the lucky ones!)

Sorry I can't help you out on this, but I think this is pretty unacceptable, so I would phone AppleCare care again, indicate that what you were instructed to do did not work, so as a result something else must be the problem. I wouldn't rest until things are resolved - for the kind of money you spent, you deserve a working machine!
I also have a iMac 17" FP and I'm running Panther on it and it actually seems faster than Jaguar. I guess I'm lucky, I haven't had one problem yet. I can't imagine what you're problem can be. The only things that come to mind are

1) Zapping the P-Ram
2) DeFragmenting the Drive
3) Do you have enough RAM? I personally have a 1Gig and it makes a world of difference.

4) If all else fails(cover your ears)...ReFormat your drive and do a fresh install.

There might be some TERMINAL commands that might help out but I'm not too familar with them.

Hope this helps. :)

Yeah, I agree with eclipse525, reformat your hard drive. It's pretty straighforward and simple, just make sure you backup your files. Most times it takes care of seemingly unsolvable problems.
I have a 17" iMac and just installed Panther on it a week ago. I think that it is also faster. I agree, wipe out your drive and do a clean install if you haven't done it already.
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