ok...approxmitly 5-10min my iMac 20" decided to take its own life...it is now DEAD. It was the generation just before the new aluminum ones came out.
I was just in the middle of doing my cd-cover project, in photoshop, for tafe and it sounded like a small fuse blew or something. But it smelt like something burning straight after it. It wont turn on anymore. So yea...i was wonderin if this has happened to anyone? And if theres any chance of recovering my projects from my HDD (about 100gb+ worth
I was just in the middle of doing my cd-cover project, in photoshop, for tafe and it sounded like a small fuse blew or something. But it smelt like something burning straight after it. It wont turn on anymore. So yea...i was wonderin if this has happened to anyone? And if theres any chance of recovering my projects from my HDD (about 100gb+ worth