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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 26, 2005
This is a very simple question but i've not been able to get exact numbers for it anywhere. All i want to know is how far is it from the table top to the bottom of the screen in an iMac 20". Preferably with the screen in it's most upright position (perpendicular with the desk).

I've done some calculations using the height as given on Apple's website and a picture of the 20" and got a measurement of 18cm (7") for this. Can someone verify this for me, or if i have been stupid enough to miss the page on apple with the measurements to point it out to me :)

old john

macrumors member
Nov 18, 2005
On the iMac G5 20" 2GHz, the lit screen is about 169 mm from the surface it is standing on. The bottom of the computer's case is about 60 mm from the surface. The top of the lit part of the screen is about 440 mm from the surface.

Being ancient, I have varifocal lenses in my glasses, so that to see things close to I have to look through the middle or lower part of the lens. This worked fine with my iMac G3, even though my desk has a double top with the computer 129 mm higher than the keyboard and mouse. The double desk was designed in the days of monitors that were so low they often needed stands. The lower level housed peripherals such as floppy drives, the BBC Micro's external second processor, teletext decoder, etc. To get the top of the iMac G5 20" lit screen (440 mm above the surface it stands on) into focus I'm going to have to get used to tilting my head back a long way... or to wear reading glasses, to get new desk or higher chair, or get a saw and cut back the higher surface of the double top!



macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 26, 2005
Thank you very much. My desk is similar with the screen being higher than the keyboard and mouse. I've always had towers (and a mini...) so it hasn't been a problem but i was worried about the iMac due to the big whitespace at the bottom. I'm going to put my Dell 20" up as high as the iMac's screen would be and see how i get on.
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