I'm having this issue with my 24" iMac, with an 8800GS, and a s.8 ghz Intel Core2Duo.
The first time the graphics card went out was late April. Bought a replacement part out of warranty. The card died again, accompanied by artifacts, failures to boot into the OS, etc about 2 weeks ago. Again it was replaced, this time by the part warranty. Last night the card died yet again! 3rd times the charm? Hopefully, even though I am out of my initial one year warranty, Apple will replace my computer. It's quite frustrating.
Any advice or info?
The first time the graphics card went out was late April. Bought a replacement part out of warranty. The card died again, accompanied by artifacts, failures to boot into the OS, etc about 2 weeks ago. Again it was replaced, this time by the part warranty. Last night the card died yet again! 3rd times the charm? Hopefully, even though I am out of my initial one year warranty, Apple will replace my computer. It's quite frustrating.
Any advice or info?