For 2 days now myImac 24" Intelcore duo start as usual but the screen remains desesperatly black. When It happened, the mac was switched on and when I came back some hours later, it was shut off.
I tried everything written on the Apple site and follow all advices : 5 boings for the pram, unplugged, replugg, etc... without any succes.
The "boing" sound is there, the hard disk start as well and the ventilation too. Everything is working... except the screen.
I've been on a lot of forums including this one eand I feel a bit lost as solutions seems to be different from a forum to another.
For some...it's the screen, for others it the graphic card... and for the rest it's the logic board and/or the powerbloc.
For the last 3 solutions I'm ready to order remplacements and to do it by myself (can take hours but seems to be ok for me), I would like to have a "kind of precis advice" just to be sure to order the correct stuff. and not the logic board if it's only a question of graphic card or the contrary.
For exemple, the fact that the mac start with the boing indicates that the logic board is not suspected? Am I right?
Thanck in advance for you advices
To be more precis the mac in under Snow Leopard for months without problems and I did not load any new soft recently.
For 2 days now myImac 24" Intelcore duo start as usual but the screen remains desesperatly black. When It happened, the mac was switched on and when I came back some hours later, it was shut off.
I tried everything written on the Apple site and follow all advices : 5 boings for the pram, unplugged, replugg, etc... without any succes.
The "boing" sound is there, the hard disk start as well and the ventilation too. Everything is working... except the screen.
I've been on a lot of forums including this one eand I feel a bit lost as solutions seems to be different from a forum to another.
For some...it's the screen, for others it the graphic card... and for the rest it's the logic board and/or the powerbloc.
For the last 3 solutions I'm ready to order remplacements and to do it by myself (can take hours but seems to be ok for me), I would like to have a "kind of precis advice" just to be sure to order the correct stuff. and not the logic board if it's only a question of graphic card or the contrary.
For exemple, the fact that the mac start with the boing indicates that the logic board is not suspected? Am I right?
Thanck in advance for you advices
To be more precis the mac in under Snow Leopard for months without problems and I did not load any new soft recently.