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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2009
London, United Kingdom
Hi guys,

I was away for a weekend last week and when I came back I saw this hazy dark area over RHS middle of the screen (the side where we insert the DVD). The area is nearly 4 inches wide with 10 inches long.

I rang AppleCare, they advised to keep it switched on continuously for over 24 hours and now its been over 4 days (with all energy saving switched off) and still no changes.

Is it condensation thats causing the problem, if yes how do we solve it?

Any help would be appreciated.

AppleCare have advised me to call them tomorrow and let them know, if they have not seen any changes they are willing to collect my Imac for further assessment.

What would be your advice regarding completely formatting the hard drive before i send it to Apple for repair??

Kind Regards
Is it condensation thats causing the problem, if yes how do we solve it?

Have Apple clean it.

What would be your advice regarding completely formatting the hard drive before i send it to Apple for repair??

First back up your data.

Now if you don't have anything that you really have to hide, there is really no reason to go wiping your drive. That say, if you do wish to wipe the drive, run the Restore DVD, and run Disk Utility—>Erase Options—>Zero-Out disk—>Apply. Then exit Disk Utility and reinstall the OS.
Now if you don't have anything that you really have to hide, there is really no reason to go wiping your drive.

It's not just if they have anything to hide...

If the machine is replaced Apple may do a poor job of wiping the drive before refurbing. It's worth being careful from an id-theft point of view.
It's not just if they have anything to hide...

If the machine is replaced Apple may do a poor job of wiping the drive before refurbing. It's worth being careful from an id-theft point of view.

If you store ID information on your computer then you have something to hide…

I don't know what your interpretation of what I said something to hide was, but what I mean is if you have something that you don't want potential curious people to see, it's worth wiping. For example, I have just software, iTunes music, and a few encrypted virtual volumes on my computer; last time I sent it in, I didn't see a need to erase anything since I didn't have music or software I thought would have affected me if the tech saw; nor did I think I was at risk of the technician stealing my encrypted files without access to neither key nor passphrase.
thanks a lot guys for your reply. I was in touch with Apple care this AM and they have advised me to take it to Apple store tomorrow for assessment and possibly quick replacement!

I will keep you posted.

As about erasing the data on my mac is concerned, I am definitely going to do it. I fortunately have been using Time Machine. Thanks again for your help.

Kind Regards
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