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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2017
Moscow, Russia
Hello, dear Apple community!

Sorry if same questions can be found somewhere in the forum's depths, but I didn't manage to find similar topics.

I have a display problem with brand new iMac 27 5k Late 2015 which I bought 3 weeks ago and already replaced it 2 times. Which means I have already checked 3 similar iMacs (100% identical configuration) and they all have the same problem which can be easily spotted on attached photo: left half of the screen has slightly different color than the right one. It is a bit (but not quite) yellowish tone. Or I can call left side more "warm" and right side more "cold" if you wish.


Check out the photo:

I placed Calendar window on purpose to visually divide the screen - 6 months on left and 6 on the right - it makes it easier to see the problem on photo.

Did anyone else experience the same?

Apple support has no idea what it is. Moreover they haven't heard about such complaints before. Although I am replacing my device for the third time now.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Does your issue change when the ambient lighting changes? For example, do you have the same visual issue if you take a picture of the screen with your room lights turned off, or when the only lighting is natural light?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2017
Moscow, Russia
Does your issue change when the ambient lighting changes? For example, do you have the same visual issue if you take a picture of the screen with your room lights turned off, or when the only lighting is natural light?
It is present under any light conditions.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
That would quickly be very frustrating.
Have you compared with iMacs in shops to see if they share the same issue?
If display models appear OK, maybe that will give you some encouragement that consistent displays do exist, and you should end up with a good example, maybe one more will be it!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2017
Moscow, Russia
That would quickly be very frustrating.
Have you compared with iMacs in shops to see if they share the same issue?
If display models appear OK, maybe that will give you some encouragement that consistent displays do exist, and you should end up with a good example, maybe one more will be it!
Yep, I've checked one.
It had unbalanced backlit with some more dark areas, but nothing close to my issue.
I'll try to see couple more models to make sure.
Anyway I'll try to replace my current iMac and lets see if I'm lucky this time))) Thanks!!!
[doublepost=1489344546][/doublepost]Looks like the issue is not new.
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