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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Hi guys,

i've received my new iMac 27" yesterday, but I can only use it today because I was away from home for a business trip.

The computer seems perfect, no hw defect, no bad pixel except for a very bad sound that is coming from top left corner..

this sounds (like whine on first macbook, but more louder) appear when display is off or with brightness at 1/7.

I've request an exchange, hope the new one doesn't have this annoying problem, has anyone the same problem? Repet, my iMac doesn't have flickering issue, only this annoying noise (maybe the psu? on the iFix teardown is on top left corner..)

Thanks :)
Yup, I´ve got the exact same thing. As soon as I rest my display the noise appears. Top left.
Yup, I´ve got the exact same thing. As soon as I rest my display the noise appears. Top left.

In which week was your iMac built? Mine was 40 week.. hope the new one is more recent (about 42/43 week)
same with my imac built week 41. Has the noise on the top left. Should I return it?

oh.. damn :(

my hopes that new one will be "perfect" are very low.. :(
maybe i'll ask a full refund, isn't acceptable a 1500€'s pc has this stupid defect :mad:
yeah, I think I'll return it an order the quad version. Maybe as it is shipping later it will have the problem fixed.
My 27" iMac has a buzzing noise that comes in waves of about 7 seconds each, building to a crescendo and then fading again. Each wave is about 7 seconds long with a 2 second lull between waves.

It is not LOUD, but loud enough that after a while I have to play music to drown it out and avoid insanity.

Anyone else?

It's funny how people are calling this an issue. Are you serious? It's an electronic piece of equipment it will make humms, pitches, sounds it's just the way it is. Like someone oh I can hear the hard drive, yeah well it's a mechanical hard drive so it will make noises, or I can hear the fan well it's a FAN!! People need to stop being so nit picky about stuff good God. Just my 2 cents sorry about the flaming but I think it's just something stupid to be worried about.
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