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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 28, 2009
I realize that there a million threads regarding this issue, but my question is whether the explanation provided by tech support is feasible or not?

I am currently on my third new iMac (#1-screen flickering from day one, #2 DOA). All were fully loaded. I have had my current system for ~2.5 weeks with absolutely zero issues. Today it started going through the screen flickering/blacking out behaviour that we all love so much! Now, when my first system would do this I could use SMC fan control to bump up the rpm's on the fans and the flickering would consistently stop. Because of it being a new system and not wanting to settle for that B.S. I had set up a return, while in the meantime the software fix came up. I applied the "fix", no results and returned the system.

Today, when talking with tech support regarding the same issue, I was initially offered a screen replacement at the local apple store. I complained to the tech that unless "someone" can confirm that a screen replacement does indeed fix this issue that I wasn't interested in being without a system while they organized this. After speaking with a "senior advisor", he came back and said that the issue indeed has not been associated with the screen itself, but with a problem of the connector to the screen not being seated/secured properly at the factory. In that case, fine, I'll buy that, but why after 3+ replacements would this still be happening and why would the issue arise not at startup, but after prolonged use and respond to fan modulation/temperature control (confirmed as if left to flicker without modding the fan rpm's it would go on flickering for hours)?

My issue now is I can either - A - take in the machine have it fixed, which likely wouldn't take very long, or - B - return the machine and suck it up with a MBP w/seriously worn out screen and decrepit battery until the inevitable rev B arrives sometime this spring/summer or - C - argue until I am offered return #4.

I'm leaning towards A, providing this is a plausible fix and not just a delay until my 30 day return period (increased due to CTO) is over and I am stuck with the service merri-go-round and applecare purchase.

Any suggestions or comments on this actually being a plausible fix?

I think I remember reading about some people having the screen cable replaced and the flickering stopped. Maybe there is some truth to what you were told.
I don't have any flickering on my screen (i7), and it has run extremely hot while using Final Cut and Aperture, much too hot to touch. So I don't think there would normally be a problem with heat. If the connection was not properly seated, maybe expansion and contraction of metal parts because of heat would cause flickering on a loose connection ?
That's true, I figure I will wait it out for a few days, after a restart no further flickering.....
my imac 2 weeks ago had flickering crisis. then i booted in windows and didn't flicker for 2 days. now i've been working a whole week and didn't flicker even once. very very strange
hwo ridiculous. do you see the time of my last post? it just flickered right now
hwo ridiculous. do you see the time of my last post? it just flickered right now

How much of a flicker are we talking here? My 24" LED Cinema Display VERY occasionally has a slight flicker. I'm not talking a second of blackout. I'm talking a millisecond of blackout. No rhyme or reason to when it does it.
search flicker on the forum and I'm sure you will get very detailed descriptions including video's of the problem.
How much of a flicker are we talking here? My 24" LED Cinema Display VERY occasionally has a slight flicker. I'm not talking a second of blackout. I'm talking a millisecond of blackout. No rhyme or reason to when it does it.

first some horizontal lines appear like distortion for miliseconds then the screen blackouts for a second... won't stop until i restart. sometimes happens once a day sometimes it won't happen for a while. i'm not returning it yet, i will wait for some official or some imac 27 refresh batch since even then new ones have the same problem

I'd go for your plan B.

Question: If it is an unseated connector, why they would want to change all the screen?
Answer: They really don't have a clue what is going on, but screen replacement pays better.

Tom B.
first some horizontal lines appear like distortion for miliseconds then the screen blackouts for a second... won't stop until i restart. sometimes happens once a day sometimes it won't happen for a while. i'm not returning it yet, i will wait for some official or some imac 27 refresh batch since even then new ones have the same problem

That's a very generalizing statement. My first iMac, week 2 that I've had for a week and a half has no issues (thus far). Been 100% rock solid, no screen issues, no obvious yellowing, no flickering, nothing. These forums really do put fear into buyers because people rarely ever say anything good about Apple products here.

I'd go for your plan B.

Question: If it is an unseated connector, why they would want to change all the screen?
Answer: They really don't have a clue what is going on, but screen replacement pays better.

Tom B.

I never thought about how the renumeration of the service centre would play into this. It makes sense as I initially assumed that if the tech was jumping to a full screen replacement, as opposed to a return as previously, that they must have a handle on the problem. It makes sense then why they switched to having a connector adjusted when further pressed for a solution.

thanks for all the input guys!
I can't say anything for sure about the screen cable being loose causing the flickering. I had my screen out anyway to put in my SSD, so if MY iMac starts flickering, it's definitely not the cable since I made sure that puppy was in there properly...
I think I remember reading about some people having the screen cable replaced and the flickering stopped. Maybe there is some truth to what you were told.
I don't have any flickering on my screen (i7), and it has run extremely hot while using Final Cut and Aperture, much too hot to touch. So I don't think there would normally be a problem with heat. If the connection was not properly seated, maybe expansion and contraction of metal parts because of heat would cause flickering on a loose connection ?

My iMac i7 had the flickering/blackout problem. (It was cured at the local Apple store by the tech at Apple support, telling the people at the store, what parts to order to fix the problem.) The store replaced both the screen and the cable. No more flickering, blackouts or yellow tinge ( I didn't have the dreaded yellow tinge to start with.)

I have posted this repeatedly; however, many people seem to overlook it and keep sending back units and getting another bad one back.

Hopefully, the news released today about the delay in iMacs, because they are correcting problems will take care of all the reported problems.

In the mean time, I have Appleshare coverage and will take it back to the Apple store should it develop any problems. In the mean time I'm enjoying this i7's speed and the big screen! Videos, photos, movies on it are outstanding! :D :apple:
flicker fixed?

Very interesting. I just posted my experience with the local Apple Store under another forum here - they didn't seem to know about a cable / screen connection correction and were blaming a combo of firmware and graphics card, which they admitted they could not assure they could fix at the moment so I'm going to wait a bit longer - and probably call them back with this info.... thanks for posting. BTW they mentioned another firmware update coming soon........

Has ANYONE else had success getting the flicker problem fixed - and it stayed fixed??
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