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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I was so close to buying the 27" i5 yesterday... But was put off by the salesman at the local Apple reseller.

I've wanted a Mac for some time now and am a complete OSX novice, never used it before but after playing with it for 20min at the store and watching countless Youtube reviews and tutorials on OSX it seems pretty good and user friendly. The learning curve might be a bit steep though...

After reading posts on MacRumors about yellow tinge of death I am kind of thinking twice (I'm in Australia).

How long do you guys think it will take for the next revision of the 27"? Any news on anything new being added to the current line of 27" iMac's?
I just converted from windows to mac os, a week ago I have received my 27" I7, and its amazing so far, amazing screen no yellow tinge or anything like it. I've run the test, I had the same fears because I use the computer for image editing, but for now it turns a perfect one.
Even Windows 7 looks way better on the iMac :) (I just use it for Corel Draw, shame they don't keep up with the Mac versions).
My advice: Go for it!
One of the most consistent posters here on this subject is a fellow named Industrialwaste, or something like that. Doubtless he will appear here in the fullness of time, to tell you (as he tells everyone in every thread at every opportunity) of the uselessness of anything Mac.

On the other hand, for a different view, I currently have two i7 iMacs (one at home and one at a work location) and both of them have no problems. Screens are excellent. Everything works superbly well. I recommend the machine highly.
Thanks for the quick reply guys. I've been going through this thread and just can't seem to think what may be upgraded in revision 2 of this generation of iMac. This is one of the main reasons I'm holding off buying right now.

Another question, there will be one game which I will want to play, just one on the iMac/PC (I own a PS3 for my gaming needs) and that is StarCraft 2.... how well on an i7 Mac will this game run do you guys reckon? (I've been an original StarCraft player since 98!)

The standard i7 with 4GB of ram is $2,889 AUD which is about $2,660 USD so it isn't cheap and for something new to replace it within 2 months with say a better graphics chip would be kind of a bummer.
From all the reports and youtube vids I've seen, the new iMacs play games very well. I guess one of the few downsides of the iMacs is that you can't upgrade the graphics card, but if it's just the one game I wouldn't be too concerned.
I just recently bought one, and am now on the 3rd exchanged unit, all for the yellow problem. It's been a bit of a let down, but certainly not the norm when it comes to Apple products, and people like Sir Cecil give me hope that I can get a perfect unit, otherwise I'll just get a MacBook Pro. So I would say buy with confidence, and if you do get one with issues, know that Apple have a great exchange policy.
My 27" 3.06 C2D plays Starcraft 2 very well! (I'm beta testing it)

I have no doubt the i7 will kick some ass!
My 27" 3.06 C2D plays Starcraft 2 very well! (I'm beta testing it)

I have no doubt the i7 will kick some ass!

I'm guessing you're playing through Windows/Bootcamp? Hows the lag during intense/large battles?

I plan to play natively through OSX when I get my iMac and Starcraft 2.
One of the most consistent posters here on this subject is a fellow named Industrialwaste, or something like that. Doubtless he will appear here in the fullness of time, to tell you (as he tells everyone in every thread at every opportunity) of the uselessness of anything Mac.

On the other hand, for a different view, I currently have two i7 iMacs (one at home and one at a work location) and both of them have no problems. Screens are excellent. Everything works superbly well. I recommend the machine highly.

yes what a tool bag he is! :) i love my i7 as well next month getting another at work too!
I was so close to buying the 27" i5 yesterday... But was put off by the salesman at the local Apple reseller.
How long do you guys think it will take for the next revision of the 27"? Any news on anything new being added to the current line of 27" iMac's?

1. What was the salesman put-off??
2. Revision dates, as everything Apple, are not being announced up front. We can only guess (look at the Buyer's Guide tab) that for iMac family it was happening quite regularly every 7 - 11 months.
3. It is not known if screen will be changed, or what level of consistency can be obtained using present technology.

Tom B.

No one knows for sure, but the next update will likely be minor. Probably a slight price drop and we'll probably see the C2D replaced with the new i3 chips. We'll also probably see a slight speed bump on the i5 and i7.

Less likely will be an updated graphics card.

My prediction for a minor update is May or June. A major update probably won't happen until at least 1Q 2011.

Again, total speculation on my part, so you'll want to take this with a grain of salt.

UK experiences? Looking for some positive stories!

Hi, I've just had to return my second 27" i7 iMac because of screen problems - the first was very yellow on the right side of the screen. The replacement was slightly better but still impossible to use for photos or for watching videos.

They were both shipped from China to the UK via UPS - they were both ordered in March of this year - the first model was made in December 2009, with the replacement being a 2010 week 8 model.

I was just wondering if there were any positive stories out there regarding these models - have I just been unlucky or should I keep waiting for the inevitable "fix"..?


Next revision will probably be after September if any.

Same as you, i thought a long time about buying an iMAC and finally i did last Jan 2010 but as a lot of the unfortunate people here i got into the returning machine SAGA :(

No doubt that the iMAC is a fantastic machine but as all electronics, it has production glitches that for a company as APPLE and what it stands for should be reviewed strictly, for example:
- 1st iMAC (27" i7) Had a dead HD and Fan problems.
- 2nd iMAC (27" i7) came without an Airport card.
- 3rd iMAC (changed to 27" i5 after a refund) has bad RAM slot.
- Waiting for 4th and probably final iMAC if it’s not working normally and has all its components.

Conclusion: you can buy the computer and might get lucky receiving and build with no problems at all or a build with some problem, and work the returning processes as all of us did and still do.

Hope this helps you have a more detailed idea.
I bought my first mac last week, a 27" refurb iMac, and it is perfect. I am a photographer so yellow screen is not acceptable at all.

The cycle history has been alternating 8 and 11 months. If this pattern continues then the next refresh will likely be September - too long to wait for next refresh for me

No one knows for sure, but the next update will likely be minor. Probably a slight price drop and we'll probably see the C2D replaced with the new i3 chips. We'll also probably see a slight speed bump on the i5 and i7.

Less likely will be an updated graphics card.

My prediction for a minor update is May or June. A major update probably won't happen until at least 1Q 2011.

Again, total speculation on my part, so you'll want to take this with a grain of salt.


Why don't you think the video card will be upgraded?
Hi, I've just had to return my second 27" i7 iMac because of screen problems - the first was very yellow on the right side of the screen. The replacement was slightly better but still impossible to use for photos or for watching videos.

They were both shipped from China to the UK via UPS - they were both ordered in March of this year - the first model was made in December 2009, with the replacement being a 2010 week 8 model.

I was just wondering if there were any positive stories out there regarding these models - have I just been unlucky or should I keep waiting for the inevitable "fix"..?



How do you find out what week of what year it was made in? (I found out how to find the week but not the year?)
Edit: I guess I don't really need to know the year ehy.... Because a low number would have to mean 2010...?

In case I do buy one I will open the box in the store and check for myself.
Why don't you think the video card will be upgraded?

Typically Apple waits until components like video hardware have been tested to death and dropped in price down to bargain prices before they put them in their machine.

They also time their updates for maximum effect, they know if they release an update too quickly it will put off people from upgrading who just bought a new Mac.

I have been holding off on the 27" iMac myself. I would really like one but was hoping we would see the I5 and I7 become the standard processors later this year.

I had also been hoping we would see a Blu-ray drive in a Mac this year, but I'm getting comfortable with the unpleasant idea that we will never see a Blu-ray drive in a Mac, at least not in this generation, so maybe not for another 2 years or more.
I bought my first mac last week, a 27" refurb iMac, and it is perfect. I am a photographer so yellow screen is not acceptable at all.

The cycle history has been alternating 8 and 11 months. If this pattern continues then the next refresh will likely be September - too long to wait for next refresh for me

Does anyone think that there is a better chance of getting a good unit if purchased refurbed instead of new? I've always purchased my Macs as refurbs, and I have only once had an issue with a refurb Macbook, that I ended up upgrading to a refurb MBP.

The refurbs I received have always been in new condition, with the clear plastic tape covering everything, like when new. It seems that the refurb units at least have been reconditioned/checked again before going out - so perhaps they can catch problems that would be missed on new units?

I have an iMac 24" that I am thinking about upgrading. Right now, I am on the fence between a Mini + LCD or a 27" iMac. If I go mini, I will just buy it new - if I go iMac I would purchase another refurb.

I agree with the OP. Everything I have been reading has made me a bit hesitant about getting a new iMac right now. I really hate having to return machines.
I had also been hoping we would see a Blu-ray drive in a Mac this year, but I'm getting comfortable with the unpleasant idea that we will never see a Blu-ray drive in a Mac, at least not in this generation, so maybe not for another 2 years or more.

I wonder if Apple feels that Blue-ray is too transitional a techonology witht he impending digital formats increasingly becoming familiar and sold in iTunes. Blue-ray disc usage would theoretically siphon off sales from the iTunes store and therefore, Apple cares to not have it in their machines.
Does anyone think that there is a better chance of getting a good unit if purchased refurbed instead of new? I've always purchased my Macs as refurbs, and I have only once had an issue with a refurb Macbook, that I ended up upgrading to a refurb MBP.

The refurbs I received have always been in new condition, with the clear plastic tape covering everything, like when new. It seems that the refurb units at least have been reconditioned/checked again before going out - so perhaps they can catch problems that would be missed on new units?

I have an iMac 24" that I am thinking about upgrading. Right now, I am on the fence between a Mini + LCD or a 27" iMac. If I go mini, I will just buy it new - if I go iMac I would purchase another refurb.

I agree with the OP. Everything I have been reading has made me a bit hesitant about getting a new iMac right now. I really hate having to return machines.

Reports on refurbs seem a little suspect at the moment. Plenty of posters complaining of yelllow tinted screens and other DOA issues.

If you can, you might be better by buying a new one. The returns are inevitably going to the refurb store due to an unprecedented volume of returns.
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