Hello all. New to MacRumors. I've been a PC man almost as long as Bill Gates and for various reasons have always ignored the Mac world, even though I'm a photographer/photoshop enthusiast. Well, now that I'm no longer interested in building my computer from the ground up, I've decided to look into the world of Macs. I've been doing research on various models over the past few months and would like some recommendations (more than just from someone trying to sell me one.)
I'm looking at getting a system that will fly through digital imaging, both stills and HD video. I don't do much gaming, and frankly, with the exception of my photo hobby/passion, a iPad would have enough processor power. I've looked at the MacPros as well as the Macbook Pros and Imacs. For my imaging needs, the laptop, while nice to have portable power, doesn't have the display I need/want.
I've been seriously considering an iMac 27" with the i7 processor, probably 8gb ram (considered 16, but might be overkill) and 2tb hd. I WISH I could get one with a large SSD, but I guess not an option yet.
My other consideration was MacPro, this gives me lots of bells and whistles, and I'm thinking probably overkill (I tend to do that sometimes), although speed is unmatched, for all practical purposes.
My question is, would the iMac as described be sufficient for my needs or be overkill. Budget is liberal (within reason) but I know that I'm upgrading from my photoshop CS4 (PC edition) to CS5 mac version, lightroom, as well as getting new network setup for house and 13"macbookpro for daughter.
I know this is wordy and I appreciate it if you've read this far without saying that I just need to shut up already, but I'm very much looking forward to input on system recommendations. Thanks!
I'm looking at getting a system that will fly through digital imaging, both stills and HD video. I don't do much gaming, and frankly, with the exception of my photo hobby/passion, a iPad would have enough processor power. I've looked at the MacPros as well as the Macbook Pros and Imacs. For my imaging needs, the laptop, while nice to have portable power, doesn't have the display I need/want.
I've been seriously considering an iMac 27" with the i7 processor, probably 8gb ram (considered 16, but might be overkill) and 2tb hd. I WISH I could get one with a large SSD, but I guess not an option yet.
My other consideration was MacPro, this gives me lots of bells and whistles, and I'm thinking probably overkill (I tend to do that sometimes), although speed is unmatched, for all practical purposes.
My question is, would the iMac as described be sufficient for my needs or be overkill. Budget is liberal (within reason) but I know that I'm upgrading from my photoshop CS4 (PC edition) to CS5 mac version, lightroom, as well as getting new network setup for house and 13"macbookpro for daughter.
I know this is wordy and I appreciate it if you've read this far without saying that I just need to shut up already, but I'm very much looking forward to input on system recommendations. Thanks!