Hi everyone, I have a 2007 aluminum iMac with a problem. Let me give you a little history first. Back in March my file system got damaged from the computer locking up, I thought it locked up from a heat issue on the power supply so I replaced it. It wasn't the power supply but I was able to fix my file system and recover 95% of my data.
Now about a month ago I was using the computer when I went upstairs for something, when I returned it was asleep. I tried to wake it and it would not wake up and I shut it down holding the power button. When I went to turn it back on I get no video(screen does not even power up), no start up tone, but I can hear the drives spinning up. I have tried holding the power button while plugging in power cord, resetting nv/pvram, boot from cd, boot to external drive, nothing works.
I took it in to a local mac shop and paid $125 discovery fee to have them tell me it is my power supply. They told me it was only supplying a trickle of voltage
Well I told them I had a perfectly fine ps at home and I took the computer home. I put the original power supply back in and I still have the same symptoms. The shop agreed to take it back and continue troubleshooting under the same discovery fee but, I have lost faith in them.
I am going to bring it back in today, but I was hoping that someone would have a easy answer on here. I am an experienced pc technician and good all around with items like this, so I should have no problem fixing it no matter how difficult the repair might be, I just need to find out what's wrong.
10.5.7, 4gb ram, otherwise stock 24" aluminum iMac
Thanks in advance,
Now about a month ago I was using the computer when I went upstairs for something, when I returned it was asleep. I tried to wake it and it would not wake up and I shut it down holding the power button. When I went to turn it back on I get no video(screen does not even power up), no start up tone, but I can hear the drives spinning up. I have tried holding the power button while plugging in power cord, resetting nv/pvram, boot from cd, boot to external drive, nothing works.
I took it in to a local mac shop and paid $125 discovery fee to have them tell me it is my power supply. They told me it was only supplying a trickle of voltage
I am going to bring it back in today, but I was hoping that someone would have a easy answer on here. I am an experienced pc technician and good all around with items like this, so I should have no problem fixing it no matter how difficult the repair might be, I just need to find out what's wrong.
10.5.7, 4gb ram, otherwise stock 24" aluminum iMac
Thanks in advance,