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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 15, 2008
Hi there!!!

Im had a buy used (obvously) a Imac Bondi rev / B

233mhz and 128ram (the last owner has installed it the 128ram)

but i has reading, and to much people upgrade the mac (this same model) and i need upgrade too...

Can some one say me: how many upgrade can i do?

the max ram? (i readed a 512mb supported O_O )
the max HD?
add on´s??

thanks guys

Mac Ram: 512 megs. Note that the lower slot takes a low profile DIMM, which is a bit more expensive. Some places only sell low profile DIMMs of that type, which would fit in either slot.

Max HD: 128 gigs ATA HD. Note however that you have to have the OS on a partition WHOLLY contained within the first 8 gigs. So you'll need at least two partitions.

You said its a rev B, which means it has 6 megs of vram. A rev A would only have 2 megs stock, upgradeable to 6.

Other avilable upgrades: there are processor upgrades available, some added G4 processors, one added a faster G3 and firewire (the sonnet harmoni).

If you really looked around, you might find an old voodoo II grpahics card that fit in the mezzanine slot. pretty rare though.

You can add wireless internet by using an ethernet based wireless adaptor (USB ones not recommended due to lack of drivers).

I tried OS X on my old one and wasn't satisified with its performance. But OS 9 was getting nearly useless, so you'll want to experiment a bit to find the best OS for how you intend on using the machine.

Here's a usefull site for you:
I had one (a rev. a) in '04. It was my first 'New World' Mac and had Panther with 4GB/192MB. It wasn't really slow but had many slow points. With a 128GB/512MB, It should be zippy, part. with OS X 10.2.8. You could also swap the CD for a DVD/CDR with a bit of effort.
I had one (a rev. a) in '04. It was my first 'New World' Mac and had Panther with 4GB/192MB. It wasn't really slow but had many slow points. With a 128GB/512MB, It should be zippy, part. with OS X 10.2.8. You could also swap the CD for a DVD/CDR with a bit of effort.

procesor g4? I can chage it like a pc procesor?
how much it the fastter g4 procesor i can put it on?

it hard to find, no?

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