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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2009
I'm thinking about buying my first iMac. I'm currently using a 5 year old Dell XPS laptop and need to upgrade.

I went to the Apple store this weekend, and the new 27" iMacs look great. However, I've heard that Apple may change the case design of the iMac case shortly. Is there any truth to this? I'd hate to buy a new iMac simply to have them improve the case a week later.
no they JUST redesigned the iMac so get one now while it is brand new. you will have the newest looking mac for a while at least a year
Again, I don't think Apple would waste their money designing a new iMac, making videos about it, and only release it for 2 or 3 weeks. :confused:
I'm thinking about buying my first iMac. I'm currently using a 5 year old Dell XPS laptop and need to upgrade.

I went to the Apple store this weekend, and the new 27" iMacs look great. However, I've heard that Apple may change the case design of the iMac case shortly. Is there any truth to this? I'd hate to buy a new iMac simply to have them improve the case a week later.

This was the case redesign that you heard about.
However, I've heard that Apple may change the case design of the iMac case shortly. Is there any truth to this? I'd hate to buy a new iMac simply to have them improve the case a week later.
I think the person who told you this was miss informed and I believe they are referring to the new 27" quad core that are suppose to be shipped sometime in November. They were announced at the same time as the new iMacs but they won't ship until sometime this November so technically that's the new 27" that is coming out in a few weeks. It should have the same case design as the current 27" though. The only reason to wait is if you need a quad core processor. You can check them out at
Why would Apple redesign it? They have made all Macs look like iMac now, so redesigning it makes no sense. New design doesn't always mean it's better, it can be horrible
The Golden Rule!

If Apple redesigned the iMac now there would be a outcry from the people who bought it, understanding that it would not be redesigned again for another couple of years. It would be like Apple releasing a new iPhone and then two weeks later going "HAHA! Sucked in! We have a new and even BETTER iPhone that is faster and we are releasing it today! HA!" What's wrong with the case now? It's pretty thin (and any thinner just creates heat problems). And the Golden Mac Rule applies here

"If you need the product buy it now! Do not wait for the next update which could be months or years away! The rumours that we have may not be accurate and most of them are just 'stabs in the dark' (especially the ones from analysts)."


King Mook Mook
I completely understand the confusion. When I heard rumors of the redesgn I sold my iMac and high expectations on a new amazing design. I was surprised to see basically the same design language with almost not striking changes. I do love the current design but I wouldn't say we've had a major design update. Much more of a slight evolution of the same design for the past 4 years.
"If you need the product buy it now! Do not wait for the next update which could be months or years away! The rumours that we have may not be accurate and most of them are just 'stabs in the dark' (especially the ones from analysts)."

When people *need* something, they usually do buy it right then. The question comes up when one "could use" something new, but doesn't "need" it right away.
I completely understand the confusion. When I heard rumors of the redesgn I sold my iMac and high expectations on a new amazing design. I was surprised to see basically the same design language with almost not striking changes. I do love the current design but I wouldn't say we've had a major design update. Much more of a slight evolution of the same design for the past 4 years.
The rumors never mentioned a large design change.
The only way there will be a radically different iMac is if there is a radical design philosophy renaissance at Apple. Until then, redesigned iMacs will only result in something slightly more "elemental".
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