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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2007
I have tried all the eject methods in the help section. There is no small hole to insert a pin either. Ideas, or is there a trip to a Mac store in the works?
This seems to be a typical problem of the Imac. I wonder how frequent the cd drive really gets stuck and eats cd's? Anyone know?
Tried rebooting holding down the 'c' key - no go. Had tried ejecting thru disk utilities earlier - again a no go. My Imac was new this summer. First time with this trouble. The cd is a rw and I can write and read with it in there. The icon is shaded on the desktop, and there is a small circle on it with 3 black and 3 yellow pie slices. Does that mean anything?
Tried rebooting holding down the 'c' key - no go. Had tried ejecting thru disk utilities earlier - again a no go. My Imac was new this summer. First time with this trouble. The cd is a rw and I can write and read with it in there. The icon is shaded on the desktop, and there is a small circle on it with 3 black and 3 yellow pie slices. Does that mean anything?

Holding 'C' while booting will let the system to attempt to boot by optical discs. As someone mentioned earlier, you need to hold down the mouse button to eject. If you've tried that, then I suggest trying something else.

Get a piece of scotch tape, and stick about 1 inch to 1.5 inch into the drive. Boot up your Mac while holding the mouse button. When you feel it's trying to eject the disc, gently tug with the piece of tape to see if your disc will come out with the tape. It may take a few tries, so just be patient with it. If you still can't get it out I'm sorry but it will be a trip to Apple Store for you.

Good luck ;)
This seems to be a typical problem of the Imac. I wonder how frequent the cd drive really gets stuck and eats cd's? Anyone know?

From what I know, slot-loading drives are all prone to these kinds of problems. They are picky about the symmetry and thickness of the discs. As long as you get good quality discs you should be fine. And of course, don't put anything else other than full sized discs in them. :)
If I understand you, you may have a recording session going on the CD and the Mac OS won't eject the CD until you close out the CD.

Under the Edit menu in the Finder, is the Burn Disc... menu option highlighted or dimmed?

Also, upon booting you can try the eject key as well.
ok this is how to solve the problem

get a piece of card.
stick it in yours CD drive to stop the CD spinning
press the mouse while booting.... CD will come out
that sounds safer than what i ended up doing...i used a knife just after i pressed eject spit it out real quick.

i'll remember the card method though.
Robotica - when you mentioned "get a piece of card. stick it in yours CD drive to stop the CD spinning. press the mouse while booting.... CD will come out"

Question - do you put a card piece in and then after hearing the cd stop spinning, take the card out before rebooting? Or does the card come out with the cd? Sure hope it works and saves me a trip to the Mac store.
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