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Why can't PC users have the priveledge of having an all-in-one system?

Because in the past AIO PCs have sold like chocolate covered turds.

Though these days the energy, a/c issues, etc. associated with traditional PCs have businesses looking lustily at the laptop-based AIOs now to avoid these issues.

So expect these machines to transition even further towards Apple's design.
Because in the past AIO PCs have sold like chocolate covered turds.

Though these days the energy, a/c issues, etc. associated with traditional PCs have businesses looking lustily at the laptop-based AIOs now to avoid these issues.


Of course this surge of laptop-based AIOs likely means that the iMac is going to remain using a laptop chipset for a long while.

So no switch in the iMac chipset to a desktop unit is expected.

That prosumer hole will have to eventually be filled with an entirely new class of machines.

Is your concern on the laptop chipsets in the iMac one of cost or of performance? Because it is my understanding that the performance is similar, but it just comes at a higher cost.
Both are different in another way: They have a name instead of a number. Acutally they share their name: one.
I'm lucky they didn't call it iDell or iGateway.
Why can't PC users have the priveledge of having an all-in-one system?

They do have an all-in-one and have had one for a while. It's called a laptop. :D

Anyone else NOT see any type of exhaust ports? *sniff* *sniff* smells like electronics heating up.
Is your concern on the laptop chipsets in the iMac one of cost or of performance? Because it is my understanding that the performance is similar, but it just comes at a higher cost.

More like R&D cost sharing for the various platforms ...

A new prosumer machine would almost have to hold a million units a month all by its lonesome, a tougher target to shoot for without the iMac to share components with.

So the interest in similar machines isn't a good omen for fulfilling people's prosumer dreams.
Dell has one and so does Gateway

Just because the idea of an iMac is great, doesn't necessarily mean the implementation is great.

HP and Sony also have ones, the HP is a touch screen but is really ugly. I actually like the Sony version bit its expensive for what you get.

The PC/Windows world has never really been big on AIO its never really taken off. I would say out of all the windows AIO systems the sony is by far the nicest but runs about 2050.00 and does not have the specs to match the 24" iMac.
look at it as competition, although right now it isn't hopefully in a few revisions of those systems it will be and then we all know that competition is in the interested of the consumer.
back ion the 90's

The store I worked in had several all-in=one PC's we never sold any of them!
For me, the ONLY benefit the Dell/Gateway AIOs have is their serviceability. Apple used to care more about serviceability, take the iMac G5 (Rev. A) for example. I was appalled at this post earlier today:

I couldn't believe all that was involved in upgrading the ram, versus the original mac mini G4.

I'd happily take a thicker imac if it meant having most components accessible via a removable cover on the back.
that dell has a blue ray :eek: C'mon apple.... the super drive is "so last spring" time for the blue ray drive!
The iMacs are actually pretty competitive price-wise. Given an imac and an equally spec'd dell AIO for around the same price, I'd take the :apple: any day. Of course, if that wasn't true, I wouldn't be on these forums right now.
The Sony AIO actually does look pretty elegant... from the front, anyway. Dell and Gateway design teams still have a long way to go, it seems.

And yes, I think that the iMac G4 was the coolest AIO computer design of all time. Unlike the more recent iMacs, they actually had some personality to them.
but they can't run OSX so i would never buy one.

But you can expect more of them to show up in businesses and multi-machine installations ...

Cooler, quieter, and a smaller energy footprint ... three big issues in some offices.
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