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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2017
Hey Guys i have a Late 2013 iMac 27inch, it has a crack on the lower left side of the screen. Do any of you guys have any experience of getting it fixed? Is it even worth it? If not how much could i sell it for to just use the money to buy a new one.

Late 2013 27Inch iMac
1tb HDD or maybe SSD im not 100% sure honestly
8GB of ram


Jan 9, 2007
Seattle WA
Hi Kevin, is it still usable? Or does the display not work? If it works than I would leave it. Especially on a computer that old. If not working then upgrade. If you want to upgrade because you hate the crack, it's time to upgrade. If you don't mind the crack and your machine works for you than it is ok to not upgrade. :D

DO NOT put time, money or effort in fixing the crack. You are putting money into a money pit....


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
A late 2013 27" iMac is still a very good machine and is supported by Apple for repairs. Replacing the display on it is certainly a lot less expensive than purchasing a new machine. You can check with Apple if you don't want to do the work yourself. Or if you're good DIY person, check on eBay for a replacement display and for the step by step work. Or, if the crack doesn't bother you like the previous reply indicated, continue to use it as is.


Jan 9, 2007
Seattle WA
A late 2013 27" iMac is still a very good machine and is supported by Apple for repairs. Replacing the display on it is certainly a lot less expensive than purchasing a new machine. You can check with Apple if you don't want to do the work yourself. Or if you're good DIY person, check on eBay for a replacement display and for the step by step work. Or, if the crack doesn't bother you like the previous reply indicated, continue to use it as is.

It's so borderline that that's a hard call.. I definitely wouldn't drop on the side of it's a "very good machine". It's more of borderline ok machine that is definitely up for an upgrade at the 5 year point as a machine without issues. But if you are surfing the net, that might be perfect for you. So is an iPhone.


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2008
Central Cali
Hey Guys i have a Late 2013 iMac 27inch, it has a crack on the lower left side of the screen. Do any of you guys have any experience of getting it fixed? Is it even worth it? If not how much could i sell it for to just use the money to buy a new one.

Late 2013 27Inch iMac
1tb HDD or maybe SSD im not 100% sure honestly
8GB of ram

Repairs are definitely cheaper than a fully new machine. Ask if the machine you have is still doing the job you want it to well. I have a 2007 that finally reached the limit in about 2015, & I finally replaced it this year with the 2017 iMac (which I had to return due to an issue). I managed to get what I needed to get done completed & keeping my other high CPU projects on wait until the pro comes out.

That being said, one individual recommended I buy the 2017 again & sell it when the pro comes out...not the best of ideas as I've had zero luck selling anything locally & eBay has ripped me off twice for over a grand, not to mention the drop in value over time (granted, not nearly as much as a PC).

If the crack is annoying, but the Mac is good, fix the crack. As mentioned above, ifix it will point you in the right direction.
If the PC is too slow, check to see if it has a SSD & consider upgrading the memory. If you're replacing the screen, you can upgrade the hard drive to a SSD at the same time. I'm a stock holder of Apple & would love you to buy a new iMac, but that's not always the smartest choice depending on your personal circumstances.
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