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Original poster
Jan 29, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Ok, I posted yesterday about my Front Row corrupting which someone replied to.

Today I had another strange issue while using Safari. The site I was accessing (Bebo) was refusing to load, so I was clicking "Stop/Refresh" on Safari because, being honest, I'm impatient.

Anyway, after doing this a few times the spinning beachball came on screen. When it disappeared, nothing on the desktop responded. The dock's magnification was stuttering when I ran the cursor across the dock from left to right and vice versa.

I tried to turn off Airport by clicking on the icon on the taskbar, but got no response (ie: the symbol didn't highlight blue as normal when you click it). I then tried to launch the Dashboard using my shortcut (clicking down on the scroll ball) and again, nothing.

Then, about 30 seconds later, everything I tried to do above happened at once. When I finally got Airport switched off and the Safari window closed, even on the bare Desktop everything was sluggish. Dashboard took ages to load, and double clicking folders in the Finder took longer to open. Even running the cursor along the dock led to sluggish stuttering magnification.

When I reset the iMac it went back to normal, so I think it was me messing with Safari that crashed it, but why would it continue to act like that once Safari was closed and Airport turned off? Combined with yesterday's Front Row "issue" I posted about, I'm somewhat concerned about my GPU although after running the extended Apple hardware test there was no problems found.

Did I maybe overload the memory? I'm at a loss.

Thanks. :)
81 views and no-one's replied ... hopefully one of the experienced members can contribute with a reply.

Apple's response when I called them was simple and straightforward ... "If your Mac is working fine now, just keep an eye on it".

Fair enough, but similar experiences from other users would be welcome ...
Maybe something to do with Webkit engine which is OS-wide (not restricted to Safari), Dashboard also uses it. It was probably stuck rendering something on Bebo. Either that or your HDD was going through intense disk activity which is why your system crawled.

It doesn't strike me as a GPU issue though
Maybe something to do with Webkit engine which is OS-wide (not restricted to Safari), Dashboard also uses it. It was probably stuck rendering something on Bebo. Either that or your HDD was going through intense disk activity which is why your system crawled.

It doesn't strike me as a GPU issue though

Many thanks for your reply mate.

When it comes to a brand new computer, I am incredibly paranoid about any little "issues" that crop up in the first few months, especially when my older Mac done nothing similar.

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