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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 25, 2021
Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Looking for help: Purchased IMAC 2017 5k, 16gb ram 1TB Harddrive and 4gb GPU. Used for 4k editing and was solid until I upgraded the OS.

The computer (when booting up) be restarted 3-5 times and either gets stuck on apple logo or loads up and then screen goes dark before it eventually works. If I leave it on and don't shut it off it runs for weeks before eventually going dark / needs to be rebooted. Taken it to apple but they aren't much help. The guy said he out in a 1 TB hard drive that I don't think is apple.

(1) GPU hardware failing?
(2) Think it could be the Hard drive? I've tried doing a complete erase but all my files weren't deleted...

After a reboot and it boots up: I got the following error code:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80155fe407): "AMDFramebufferVIB::setPowerState(0xffffff93825ef800 : 0xffffff7fb567b2bc, 0 -> 2) timed out after 46507 ms"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address

0xffffffa08410bac0 : 0xffffff8014ebab4d

Any ideas? For my use computer was perfect


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2011
I had a kernel panic (27” 2017) then the computer started going slow over a period of time. I used used drive dx to diagnose the spinning HD was failing, lasted about three months before it died. Good opportunity to upgrade to a ssd.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2017
It might be worth trying a SMC reset (System management controller).
There's also a PRAM reset
It's worth a try and better to at least eliminate those.
The technique depends on the system so better to look it up but this might work for a start
Do you still have startup chime enabled? It's an audible check in fact and if it's missing, if there's a note missing or if it just sounds a bit off, then it means something is wrong so that can be a clue. Something isn't loading that sort of thing.

Also there are hardware diagnostic tools in a hidden partition on the hard drive. They should be able to tell you if you have a hardware problem. Use the advanced option if it offers it.

Otherwise, yes trying to boot from an external drive is excellent advice.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
You didn't tell us what kind of drive is inside the iMac.
Is it a 1tb fusion drive?
A fusion drive has a small 32gb SSD portion, and a 1tb HDD portion, "fused" together with software.
If one portion of the drive becomes problematic (usually the hard drive portion), it messes up the entire drive.

Nor did you tell us WHICH OS you were using -- before and AFTER the upgrade.

If you want to try booting from an external drive, this is what I'd recommend:

Get an "nvme" blade SSD -- there are many available. Don't buy "for speed". Instead, buy "for price". I like Crucial.

Get a USB3.1 gen2 enclosure -- again, many available. Some just snap together without screws.

Assemble the drive and use disk utility to erase it.
If you're using Mojave or later, erase to APFS with GUID partition format.

At this point, you can walk down more than one pathway:
- Install a completely "fresh" copy of the OS onto the drive, and then migrate your stuff over
- Use CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper to "clone" the contents of the internal drive to the external drive.
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