So basically I just purchase an iMac
2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 
4 GB 1067 Mhz DDR3
on September 2nd, it is October 11th. On September 3rd, I downloaded Fan Control because I browsed around the web and saw many imac users using fan control but 4 days ago, my fan was making a low whirring sound, quite noticeable. I was told imac fans are suppose to be more quieter than a whisper even in a dead silent room. So my fan was making a low/medium whirring sound, I called apple, got applecare. The guy told me to reinstall OSX, erase whatever was on my imac previously with the fan control. I did that. Now my fan is no longer making any noise (glad to have that) but even when I upload videos on iMovie, web browsing, listening to music, chatting on ichat and msn messenger, the fan makes no noise as well (Normal or not?). The only temperature third party install I have is istat pro, where it tells you how hot or cold your imac is. So far the highest it's gone is 123 to 130*F. (Fan is no longer making noise)
Can anyone tell me if this is normal or should I take it to apple store for them to check if my fan is working? Because if the temperature is dropping since the weather is cold. I assume the fans are doing what it's supposed to be doing, right?

on September 2nd, it is October 11th. On September 3rd, I downloaded Fan Control because I browsed around the web and saw many imac users using fan control but 4 days ago, my fan was making a low whirring sound, quite noticeable. I was told imac fans are suppose to be more quieter than a whisper even in a dead silent room. So my fan was making a low/medium whirring sound, I called apple, got applecare. The guy told me to reinstall OSX, erase whatever was on my imac previously with the fan control. I did that. Now my fan is no longer making any noise (glad to have that) but even when I upload videos on iMovie, web browsing, listening to music, chatting on ichat and msn messenger, the fan makes no noise as well (Normal or not?). The only temperature third party install I have is istat pro, where it tells you how hot or cold your imac is. So far the highest it's gone is 123 to 130*F. (Fan is no longer making noise)
Can anyone tell me if this is normal or should I take it to apple store for them to check if my fan is working? Because if the temperature is dropping since the weather is cold. I assume the fans are doing what it's supposed to be doing, right?