Yes there seems to be something very wrong with my Imac.
I bought it couple of months second hand. At the time it seemed all fine.
I put a copy of Leopard on it and install 2 gigs or ram that my friend had spare (he works at Cancom).
Its hard to tell whats going on and when it started but recently in the last two weeks or so its getting worse and worse.
Programs freeze and crash all the time. I started getting loads of Kernal panics and it got to the point in which the computer had a kernal panic every time I switched it on and wouldn't boot.
I changed the ram back and thats stopped happening which is something at least.
What I don't understand is the constant freezing and crashing of applications?
I mean sometimes I'll be trying to write an email and it gets so slow that the text appears like 3 seconds after I type it!
I'm wondering if people think its a hardware of software problem?
Also could there be something with the ram slots and not just the ram?
Also I wanted to try making a new partition and installing Tiger back onto the computer but when I try with Disk Utility it won't let me saying no space on device even though there is more the 50 gigs free on the HD?
The Imac itself is a 20inch 2gig duo core
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thanks, Andy.
Yes there seems to be something very wrong with my Imac.
I bought it couple of months second hand. At the time it seemed all fine.
I put a copy of Leopard on it and install 2 gigs or ram that my friend had spare (he works at Cancom).
Its hard to tell whats going on and when it started but recently in the last two weeks or so its getting worse and worse.
Programs freeze and crash all the time. I started getting loads of Kernal panics and it got to the point in which the computer had a kernal panic every time I switched it on and wouldn't boot.
I changed the ram back and thats stopped happening which is something at least.
What I don't understand is the constant freezing and crashing of applications?
I mean sometimes I'll be trying to write an email and it gets so slow that the text appears like 3 seconds after I type it!
I'm wondering if people think its a hardware of software problem?
Also could there be something with the ram slots and not just the ram?
Also I wanted to try making a new partition and installing Tiger back onto the computer but when I try with Disk Utility it won't let me saying no space on device even though there is more the 50 gigs free on the HD?
The Imac itself is a 20inch 2gig duo core
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thanks, Andy.