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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2003
At the moment ATHENS, GREECE
Hi there,

I made a quick search, but it seems that once again i am the only one with such a problem (it can't be, right?)

Anyway, Here is my problem.
Last week i bought my mom a used G3 333MHZ iMac (with 196 RAM) on which i installed OS X.2.6 in order to be able to use iChat AV with her.

As far as the audio goes, it works just fine (even better than i had hoped ;-).

But when i try to launch an "Invite to One-Way Video Chat", her iMac simply answers :"This computer does not support videoconferencing"

Basically, all i need to make her happy :), is for her to be able to view my webcam (in order for her to see her just born granddaughter :). I do not need for the iMac to have a webcam connected, just for it to receive my video...

Any ideas? Is it possible? Or do i have to go back to the store and trade in this iMac for a newer one (and which one? Knowing that this will be the only use of this computer!!!)

Thanks in advance for your help (it has always been very valuable so far!!!).

Re: iMac G3 333MHZ+iChat AV="This comp. does not support videoconf."

Originally posted by wilnin

But when i try to launch an "Invite to One-Way Video Chat", her iMac simply answers :"This computer does not support videoconferencing"

Hardware Video Requirements

Mac OS X v10.2.5, or any microphone, G5, G4 or G3 procesor at 600MHz or faster, Video: iSight or any FireWire-based video camera (G5 or G4),Audio: iSight or any microphone (internal or external), Cable, DSL, or or other broadband Internet connection (100Kbps or better)


Thanks a lot for all your answers!!!

I'll give a shot at that link (it looks like it might just work, cross my fingers ;-)

As for buying a newer computer, i leave it as "the last chance", because here in Europe, they are still quite expensive :-((

But thanks for the tip anyway.

Take care you all ;-)

Originally posted by wilnin
Thanks a lot for all your answers!!!

I'll give a shot at that link (it looks like it might just work, cross my fingers ;-)

As for buying a newer computer, i leave it as "the last chance", because here in Europe, they are still quite expensive :-((

But thanks for the tip anyway.

Take care you all ;-)


And what the ruddy hell make you europe peeps so special MATE. - from the land down under
Beats me!

That's why i always try to combine my new purchase of a mac with a trip to the states... ;-)

Or (a new way i found in Greece), to buy it from a "shop" where when you pay cash (and without "billl" :) you get it discounted up to 20% (basically the VAT ;-). That's how i got my ipod last year...

How about you: "down under"? Are you better off, than us "poor europeans" ;-)

Originally posted by benixau
And what the ruddy hell make you europe peeps so special MATE. - from the land down under

What was that for? Prices of Apple mac hardware are crazily high in England, UK, Europe and the rest of the world that is not America. We're all in the same boat. I like the expression "I hate Apple but I love Macs"

Personally I encourage others to ram raid Apple shops here and sell the gear on the black market. That'll teach Apple a lesson. muahahah :D
Originally posted by TMA
...I encourage others to ram raid Apple shops here and sell the gear on the black market. That'll teach Apple a lesson. muahahah :D

Note to TMA:
i'll meet you at the warehouse entrance of John Lewis on oxford street at 3.33am on sunday 10th august - bring a van. They're closed on mondays so that'll give us time to get the gear far away from london!

Note to everyone else:
I've decided to sell all 15 of my brand new, boxed 17" AluBooks at a dirt cheap price. I'll have them next monday (11th August). Got a few iPods too - PM me with an offer.
Originally posted by mrjamin
Note to TMA:
i'll meet you at the warehouse entrance of John Lewis on oxford street at 3.33am on sunday 10th august - bring a van. They're closed on mondays so that'll give us time to get the gear far away from london!

Naah I imagine John Lewis (oxford street) have great security measures, i.e CCTV. We need to find smaller shops in small towns/villages (possible maybe?) without any town centre CCTV. Getting the van shouldn't be a problem though, I'm sure there are plenty of 'how to hotwire a ford transit/pickup' txt files on the net. Lets meet at around 2am in a Mc Donalds car park and commence the break in at 3am. Perhaps i've been thinking about this too much. I can almost justify it.

Biggest question is - what shall we wear as a disguise? I propose we make a 2-man clarus the dogcow outfit :cool:
Originally posted by TMA
Biggest question is - what shall we wear as a disguise? I propose we make a 2-man clarus the dogcow outfit :cool:

I'm gonna disguise myself as StrongBad. All i need is a wrestling mask and some boxing gloves and i'll be sorted. As for the security; i can't see it being too much of a problem as i have every episode of McGuyver on video - i'm sure there's plenty of tips we could get from them.
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