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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 13, 2014
Columbus, OH
Hello all!

Picked up a lime iMac G3 running 8.6 (upgraded to 9.0 as to allow multiple users and keep the previous owner's files untouched) and have been trying to get some classic games running. I've been downloading and unzipping .sit and .toast files from MacintoshRepository and MacintoshGarden on my MacBook Pro & have been transferring them to the G3 via USB and have had luck with very few games. I'm not sure if it's the files themselves or if I am doing something wrong.

For example-

Spaceship Warlock: 'Cannot find file' issue, then forced to close.
Virtual Springfield: White screen, pink/yellow (random) box in the middle, followed by a crash, or nothing & must reboot.
TONS OF OTHERS: Can't find the program to run the installer/game file.

8/10 games I've attempted getting to run have had issues of all sorts.

I have in fact gotten Abuse and Death Blade to work.

I figured asking here was a long-shot because I imagine the issues are more than likely specific to the games themselves and not my machine, but I love this forum and I thought I'd give it a try!

Thanks in advance,

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macrumors 68020
Mar 16, 2008
Australia, Perth
Spaceship Warlock: 'Cannot find file' issue, then forced to close.
Virtual Springfield: White screen, pink/yellow (random) box in the middle, followed by a crash, or nothing & must reboot.
TONS OF OTHERS: Can't find the program to run the installer/game file.

Looks like Spaceship Warlock needs to find the CDROM (most likely with the original volume name & directories)

Virtual Springfield could be that the screen resolution isn't supported in the game, the video driver or openGL is an incompatible or poor version, Quicktime or GameSpockets version, number of 'colors' (ie, 256, thousands, millions).

Try setting the screen resolution to 640x480 and colours to 'thousands' and THEN launch the game - some games can switch 'on-the-fly' but some cannot.

Often the best thing is to look at the year of release which will give you an idea of what versions of extensions were around at the time.

Resist the temptation to install (either via installer or 'drag & drop') things like Quicktime and SoundManager which were often supplied with the Games and usually only apply to systems like MacOS 7.0 to 7.5.x
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