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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 28, 2021
Hey guys, I recently ended up with a 600mhz snow imac g3. I won it for very cheap, and so, as expected, it was in pretty rough shape. the entire inner bezel was in pieces and the outer bezel was barely held in place. however when i plugged it in it bonged and booting into 10.2 just fine. however there was alot of plastic pieces rattling around so i took it apart as carefully as possible and cleaned all the bits of plastic out. When i put it all back together however, all i got when pressing the power button was a static like noise for a second, and the power LED on the logic board lit up green, the power button did not light up white, it stayed off until i force shut it down by holding the power button. Thats not the weird part though. after that happened i took the entire thing apart and it sat in pieces for a while. Then i decided to put it all back together jsut to see if anything different would happen and what do you know, it turned on! so i tried to turn it off and flip it back rightside up, and when i pressed the power button, nothing, just static and led on the logic board. Today i replaces the PRAM battery and reset the PMU, and after that it did something weird where the disc drive would power on, and one of the times the crt made the degaussing noise, but nothing else happened. ive checked out the PAV board and there are zero bulging caps, and the solder joints are still intact. is there anything else im missing? at this point im assuming its a bad PAV board but i dont know enough about these systems to know for sure. anyone else have any ideas?(sorry for the long post)
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