The connector in your picture doesn’t look too bad. I have had success in the past with unreliable display connections in the 17” G4 by just unplugging and replugging the connector.Hi chaps, I'm looking to replace a iMac G4 video connector. Any one knows where I can find this odd 21 pin connector?
A hot air station is definitely the way to go. I have one and it makes SMD component replacement much easier than a soldering iron. If you don't already have one I would also recommend a good quality soldering iron for when it's time to put on the new parts.Thanks mate! I took this picture from a working imac g4 logic board. The messed up connector was much worse. I am getting my hands dirty with removing capacitors and connectors off a broken intel P4 mobo for practice. It's quite hard removing capacitors with a soldering iron. Going to learn hot air reworking but got to get one hot air rework station first.
I just purchased an inexpensive one from Ebay. Specifically this one:Do you have a recommendation for a hot air rework station? I'm leaning to the ATTEN/Quick models.
Thanks mate! I took this picture from a working imac g4 logic board. The messed up connector was much worse. I am getting my hands dirty with removing capacitors and connectors off a broken intel P4 mobo for practice. It's quite hard removing capacitors with a soldering iron. Going to learn hot air reworking but got to get one hot air rework station first.
I just purchased an inexpensive one from Ebay. Specifically this one:
MODS: Not my auction.