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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 18, 2021
I buyed a Imac G5 for 10$ but it dosent work sadly
the Imac starts but there is no display and after 30 seconds the fan becomes very loud.
i have tryed everything but nothing works
have anyone an idea what i can do?


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2013
iMac g5s were notorious for bad caps. You can open it pretty easily. Have a look at the capacitors. Google for iMac g5 caps and you’ll see what they should and shouldn’t look like.


macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hi, I've heard a lot about iMac G5 capacitors. On the 17" original/ALS models (non-isight), is this a very common problem?

In other words, if I pick one up, should I expect to have to do a DIY repair of it in the near future?


macrumors newbie
Oct 16, 2021
yes well known for the capacitors.It's a know problem. due to the high heat the processor goes. I did a mod for it, putting aa 12x12 noctua fan on the back which remove heat from everything including the part of the capacitors.
You should replace them quite all (which is expensive and not worth). I would do that by my own but capactiros are not so cheap (that ones).
well as always some can last all of the time, some others cannot be sure...


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2013
I don’t think it was a heat problem, the iMac g5 caps were substandard knockoffs. This hit a bunch of computer companies at the same time. Some outfit stole an incomplete electrolytic formula… the counterfeit caps ended up in a lot of gadgets.

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macrumors newbie
Oct 16, 2021
I don’t think it was a heat problem, the iMac g5 caps were substandard knockoffs. This hit a bunch of computer companies at the same time. Some outfit stole an incomplete electrolytic formula… the counterfeit caps ended up in a lot of gadgets.

in the case of G5 mostly is heat. Try to see and touch one capacitor after 2.3 hours working time of G5...some ofthem are soooooo hot. Ususally the most they stay cool the most they go ok. ost of them are 85 degree caps, but often they can't go higher than 70 degree and a G5 processore goes 75-80 easily at max load...


macrumors 6502
Nov 11, 2017
West Virginia
Did you try connecting an external display? I bought an iMac G5 for about that same price awhile back, and it appeared to be the same - turned on, but nothing on screen. But when I connected an external display I found that it was indeed working, just the original panel had died. Bought a replacement panel for literally $1 plus shipping and I'm still using that machine today. :)
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macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2019
Hi, I've heard a lot about iMac G5 capacitors. On the 17" original/ALS models (non-isight), is this a very common problem?

In other words, if I pick one up, should I expect to have to do a DIY repair of it in the near future?
yes, they have bad caps almost all of the time. iSight models tend to suffer from bad chips, i had a 17 inch isight G5 and a couple days later it GAVE OUT. chipset was bad and it seemingly had a G5 CHECKSTOP-esque issue where the machine wouldn't chime and the fans would kick in on full blast after 20-30 seconds.
why is my luck terrible with these newer G5 macs??
the new world macs i remember that get bad caps are the earlier 2nd gen eMacs (USB2 and ATI), iMac G5s, and G4 MDD/G5 power supplies. i also had a 24" 2006 iMac at some point with a couple of bad caps. sadly, it's long gone and it's from the days when i first started soldering. (it was rather broken to begin with too...)
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