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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 1, 2004
I might have actually enough cash to finally upgrade from my poor old Rev A 12" powerbook. I have been looking at refurb Imac G5's mainly because the two programs I use most Nikon Capture and Photoshop are not yet UB's. The funds are tight since I still have one year of college left, so I am really trying to stretch my cash and get a good computer that will last a good couple of years until I have a fulltime job and can afford a new computer. I have decided on getting a Rev C Imac, but my question comes down to either getting a 17" or a 20" model. Not matter what I will be hooking whatever I get up to a 20 Dell widescreen monitor and using the screen hack to span my desktop. Here is the breakdown as I see it:

17 Imac 1.9 G5 Rev C
Computer $1,068.93 (Refurb plus tax)
Ram (2 GB) $210.00 (OWC)

Total $1,278.93

20 Imac 2.1 G5 Rev C
Computer $1,389.93 (Refurb plus tax)
Ram (1 GB) $88.00 (OWC)

Total $1,477.93

That makes about a $200 difference. So I guess my question is should I get the 17" and have 2.5 GB of Ram or go for the larger real estate and stay with 1.5 GB of ram. Mind you that no matter what this will be a pretty big upgrade from my current system.

Thanks in advance
I'd go with the Revision B iMac G5. The RAM is a lot cheaper. Unless you're pushing 3D graphics the performance (Photoshop doesn't) of the Rev. C is only 4-10% faster.

As expected, the iMac G5/2.1 is slightly (7%) faster than the previous 2.0GHz model when it comes to tasks that are CPU intensive. The real fun begins when you run graphics intensive applications.
I say go with the 20" for 2 reasons.

1. You can always upgrade RAM not so with monitor
2. The 20"'s case is larger and distributes air better so the fans will kick on less.
backupdrummer said:
I say go with the 20" for 2 reasons.

1. You can always upgrade RAM not so with monitor
2. The 20"'s case is larger and distributes air better so the fans will kick on less.

I have also heard that the 20" screen is of much higher quality then the 17", can anyone comment on this. Right now it looks like I am leaning towrds the 20", but my bank account prefers the 17". Thanks.
Where in the midwest is the OP? I might be willing to sell MY iMac G5. (It's in my signature :p) I have Apple Care until June of 2008 and lots of RAM.
I've got a rev1 17" 1.8ghz G5 upgraded with 1gb of ram and a 160 gb hdd that I'd be willing to part with for $800 or so, if you're interested.
Oh and if you're near Indiana I'd more then likely drive the iMac for delivery. For free depending on the distance. I really want a new iMac. :D
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