I wondered this too. I called Apple earlier and the guy said Apple could certainly upgrade the HDD but the max. they could put in my iMac was 320GB
To be honest though, I could barely hear him. He said all I had to do was take my iMac into an Apple store and they would arrange the upgrade. Is this true, is it really that simply and how much do they roughly charge??
I really could do with a 1TB but do not fancy doing it myself!!
There are no 2 TB 3.5" drives yet. The biggest available is 1.5 TB, although 2 TB are on the near horizon. I'm not sure what the current max for 2.5" drives is, though.
I believe the iMac takes a 3.5" SATA drive.
Yeah, that's why I say yet. I can't wait. It'd be cool to get two tees in my iMac, although forget about trying to back that up. There's no way I could afford two of them.