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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 2, 2010
I had an eMac, just got my iMac. Where do you store your files? I can't find a hard drive, just an applications folder, does everything go in there? Could not seem to get my Eudora addresses to move over or my Firefox bookmarks.
Click on Finder then Home.

Documents go in the documents folder.
Music goes in the music folder
Downloads go in the Downloads folder

everything should be visible from the finder

I think your confused because slow leopard doesnt have the HD icon on the desktop as default.

You can click on the finder icon in your dock or open finders preferences and check off to show the hard drives on the desktop.
Within the Home directory is where all of you files should be stored, depending on what they are.


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Thanks I found the hard drive. Not sure where the home thing is though. Stride, I'm not in the UK, so no help on your survey.
On the screenshot I posted the 'Home' thing you are talking about is the 'Strider' highlighted in the right hand column. This will obviously be different for you.

About the survey, no worries :cool:
Your Home Folder is located in Macintosh HD/Users/Home [whatever your account name is]. Then the folders in there is where you put all your stuff.
A VERY simplified layout of the default directory structure. (I've omitted some extraneous stuff).

The "Documents" (~/Documents) directory is placed for your convenience, as are most of the others, like Movies, Pictures, and so on, to aid you in organizing things. You are free to add to that at the root of your User directory or within any of the appropriate existing ones.

For example, within Documents, you may want to create folders for Personal, Business, Financial, or whatever suits you. The entire point is that it's yours to organize how you wish.

The system will attempt to place many file types into a specific directory structure for your ease in finding them later. These are normally the ones that appear as folders with another icon on the face of it.

Unless and until you are confident in changing where things default to, I'd just leave them be. Also, I'd recommend not deleting any of the default directories.


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