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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 29, 2009

I wonder if this is normal:

My iMac 27" i7 with a 2TB Hitachi disk seems to vibrate. It is so strong that it also makes my desk vibrate a little. If I hold tight on the desktop, it stops. However, the noise/hum is clearly audible when I put the iMac on the floor, for example.

Apple is happy to replace it, but am I too picky? Anyone else with the same?

(FWIW, I'll describe the noise as if you mount a hard drive in a cabinet, and it isn't really fastened/isolated well enough.)

I tried the smcfancontrol and checked the fans, and its not them, the noise is constant even if I set them to max or min. And it disappears completely when the disk has spun down.

My Macbook Pro, Macbook, or other apple hardware I got with a HDD does not make this kind of noise.

How silent is your iMac compared to your macbook/macbook pro?
If it's as bad as you describe I would get it replaced. Some noise is normal, especially with the 2TB drives, but not if it sounds like a garbage disposal. Perhaps something may be loose. If it vibrates really bad it may cause other component problems within the iMac. My 1TB drive makes no noticable noise at all. I notice the HD noise more in my MBP when in heavy use.
Thank you for your reply!

I think I'll go for a replace since the hum, although it is not loud, is annoying me. If I put my hand on the back of the iMac, I can feel it is vibrating. Not like its going to jump off my desk or is grinding garbage, but its a low frequency hum which is annoying to my ears, at least.

Another way of describing the sound would be like the faint hum you hear outside a power plant/station/high voltage grid.
Definitely sound like a replacement job to me - If you are getting it from the On-line store I would also request that you keep this iMac until delivery of the replacement.

If it's as bad as you describe I would get it replaced. Some noise is normal, especially with the 2TB drives, but not if it sounds like a garbage disposal. Perhaps something may be loose. If it vibrates really bad it may cause other component problems within the iMac. My 1TB drive makes no noticable noise at all. I notice the HD noise more in my MBP when in heavy use.

As a side note, it was the other way around for me - the 1TB Seagate drive constantly grumbled no matter what you were doing where as the 2TB Hitachi drive grumbles momentarily, and quieter, and then settles down immediately.
Thank you for your reply!

I think I'll go for a replace since the hum, although it is not loud, is annoying me. If I put my hand on the back of the iMac, I can feel it is vibrating. Not like its going to jump off my desk or is grinding garbage, but its a low frequency hum which is annoying to my ears, at least.

Another way of describing the sound would be like the faint hum you hear outside a power plant/station/high voltage grid.

I just received my 2tb iMac two days ago, and it has the identical hum that you describe... Whole Mac vibrates (if I lift it off my desk it is not so loud).. I did the SMC reset but did not help.. Am calling Apple Care tonight and assume it is going back.. great.. I waited two weeks for another machine with problems! Also has significant yellow in the LCD screen.. Sounds like something is spinning and/or running in the machine.. I checked the Widget that shows fan speeds and stuff shows normal so something strange is happening here.. I did NOT have this sound with the two 1tb iMacs prior to this one..
not apples fault, the harddrive needs balancing put some data on it
os x snow leopard is a bit heavy on one side,
so use windows 7 as counterweight and all should be fine
Yeah, my seagate 1TB does the same thing...and it comes and goes. I can feel the entire desk vibrating under my hands/arms when it starts doing it. Pretty annoying, kind of like the annoyance that just bores into your brain when you are trying to work...
sorry i`m serious again , it may be vibrating but its a hitachi the last hitachi i used was a 320gb harddrive and it too did vibrate like a cementmixer
so bring it back and get it changed
Hi all,

I don't believe it is the Hitachi HD, although it is interesting it is happening to two people with the Hitachi drive.. I can hear the Hitachi drive work when I visit websites and open apps.. This is more of a constant loud noticeable hum, it does not waver the entire time my mac is awake.. I can feel the vibration in the chin of the mac.. Actually, it sound a little like the superdrive is spinning... When I wake the mac up I can hear the hum slowiy start and get louder.. it almost sounds like an airplane warning up it's engine (but a lot less loud!!) Could be a fan somewhere, but I downloaded the iStat Widget and the fans RPMs seem normal (but hey, what the heck do I know about normal fan RPMs!)

It is definitely not normal and needs to be replaced.. As BigBagaroo stated, the sound is quite noticeable and annoying, and it is not supposed to be happening..

Really debating just getting a full refund and waiting for the second Revision of this iMac.. so very tired of the problems!! but... I REALLY want one and don't know if I can wait for spring!! (-:
i dont really know why apple is choosing hitachi , ok better then seagate :)
but western digital drives have a far better reputation
If lift the iMac above the desktop so the stand is not in touch with anything, the sound is acceptable. Also, if I use it on a carpet on the floor, it is not resonating that much. (Tested on multiple tables, of course.)

When I put it on a foam-sheet, with a book on top of that, and then a few dvd-covers, with the iMac at the very top, the sound is also acceptable. However, it is neither ergonomic, safe or stylish. Ok, mac users are a bunch of hippies but I draw the line at having my computer on the floor. :)

I really think the drive is not fitted optimally, and that a constant vibration transfers through the stand and to the table. I hope I'm more lucky with my next one.

(mdewberry, your description of the sound is dead accurate to my situation here)
I just spoke with an Apple Senior Advisor regarding this issue.. definitely a problem and they want to replace the machine... We ran the hardware test and did a power reset but did not help the issue... He thinks it is a bad sensor that is causing a fan to run full time...
not apples fault, the harddrive needs balancing put some data on it
os x snow leopard is a bit heavy on one side,
so use windows 7 as counterweight and all should be fine

I almost busted a gut when I read this one:D. I wonder how many people would actually believe it? Perhaps we need a poll;). Its like looking for a left handed monkey wrench or going to the store for mustard thinner. Good one! I needed that after the day that i've had. Thanks:)

BTW, my drive is a 1TB Western Digital. I have not yet heard a peep out of it.
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