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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 11, 2014
Hi guys,

since I'm currently working from home and do not have a lot of space to put another display on my desk, I'm wondering if there is a way to use my late 2014 iMac (first 5K-version) as an external monitor for my windows laptop from work.

I know that Apple discontinued the general possibility to do that but I'm wondering if there is an app/software or some trick I can use to do it anyway.

Your help is much appreciated! Thanks & stay safe.


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2020
Is it possible for you to use screen sharing? Mac supports VNC and RDP, so you could install a RDP client and remote login to your laptop (enable RDP access to allow that), then work on that through your Mac. Or install a VNC server on your PC, and use the Mac-built-in VNC client. Note that this sometimes fails at encryption, so if you use VNC, you might have to disable encryption. You will find info by googling.
The option you are looking I believe is called "Target Display mode", but to what I know this only works between Macs.

Both RDP and VNC work well, I mostly use VNC as it is easy to enable on Mac and Linux. For Windows, RDP is probably easier, but you need an RDP client for the Mac. I used that in the past, but now I'm only using it on the work laptop.

If you have specific questions on Mac/Linux VNC, I can help.
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