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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 17, 2016
I bought an M1 iMac 24" last year August (8-Core GPU, 16GB, 1TB, Magic Trackpad) for 248,800 JPY.
Today—the morning after the WWDC22—the very same configuration costs 291,800 JPY.
That's more than 300 USD (43,000 JPY) price increase. Yikes!

UPDATE: Same goes for the MBP 14" and 16".
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macrumors G5
See (definition of) inflation.

See (definition of) currency exchange rates.

See supply & demand economic theory.

See (definition of) corporate greed.

Any or all of those could be in play. However, 2 of them can flip around and go the other way too. For example, inflation can be halted by the masses deciding the money matters more to them that the things they want to buy that they don't absolutely need. If the masses "just say no", pricing will magically start coming back down trying to entice them. In general, sellers want the cash even more than buyers want the products. However, right now there is still too much "I'll just pay" (any price) mentality in play.

Currency exchange rates fluctuate both ways. So check again in another year and perhaps it will flip the other way and your currency vs. the dollar will be worth more... thus making this kind of purchase cost less.

Corporate greed tends to know no bounds as long as the "I'll just pay" mentality dominates their markets. Corporations are happy to charge as much as anyone will "just pay..." even somewhat obligated to do so per "maximize profits for shareholders" and "maximize their own bonuses" drivers. But again, if the masses decide that the cash is worth more than the non-essential stuff being offered at rising prices, prices will stop rising... and then start to slide in search of a level where the masses will be moved again to start swapping dollars for the stuff.

If the buyers do NOT ever decide their money is worth more than the price being asked for stuff- that is, buyers simply stay in "I'll just pay" mode or "I will whine a lot about high prices and then I'll just pay" mode, prices will only keep rising... as there is nothing tangible "punishing" those hiking prices for doing so. In fact, they are getting rewarded for finding ways to sell stuff at higher prices.
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Nguyen Duc Hieu

macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2020
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
I bought an M1 iMac 24" last year August (8-Core GPU, 16GB, 1TB, Magic Trackpad) for 248,800 JPY.
Today—the morning after the WWDC22—the very same configuration costs 291,800 JPY.
That's more than 300 USD (43,000 JPY) price increase. Yikes!

UPDATE: Same goes for the MBP 14" and 16".

The main culprits is the JPY-USD exchange rate. USD price is the same.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2015
As others have said, I think the price changes are mainly due to Yen's depreciation against Dollar.

When 24-inch iMac was launched in April 2021, 1USD ~= 110JPY. Today in Jun 2022, 1USD ~= 132. That's a whopping depreciation of 20% in 14 months!

Old price = 248,800JPY New price = 291,800JPY. That's about 17% price adjustment to counter currency depreciation.

Every cloud has its silvering lining. If you have faith in "genius" at Apple Spaceship, Yen shall have been stabilised against the dollar, at least for the coming year. :)
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