I was watching WWDC 2003(panther intro) this morning, and I only just learned about Fast Account Switching from it. So, right after watching, I went to system preferences and enabled fast switching. However, right after I did this, my iMac made an unusually loud whir, which I assumed was the hard drive loading some files, although I have never heard it do this before. After about a minute of hearing this, I assumed that something was wrong, and I quit all applications other than system preferences, and when it didn't stop, I disabled Fast Switch. The iMac quickly quieted down.
After thinking about it, I realized that I only had 1GB of RAM in the machine, which may cause the system to use virtual memory. Would having 2GB or even 4GB make this not happen, or would I need more than that? I never have noticed the iMac lagging in other areas, but would RAM help in general tasks too? Thanks!
After thinking about it, I realized that I only had 1GB of RAM in the machine, which may cause the system to use virtual memory. Would having 2GB or even 4GB make this not happen, or would I need more than that? I never have noticed the iMac lagging in other areas, but would RAM help in general tasks too? Thanks!