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Sep 28, 2024
I am in a 14 day return period with a new 8g Ram IMac. I bought the Mac specifically for editing Raw photographs. The SD drive that I’m using has about 500 photos on it and it seems to load slowly but adequate. I’m debating whether to upgrade or return the iMac that I have now and purchase a 16 gig or 24 gig device. However, I’m thinking that if I just download the pictures off of the SD drive to the Mac that should take care of some of the issues of previewing the photos. I don’t want to upgrade to a 16 or 24 and not really notice any change.

Does anybody have an opinion on the memory size for editing raw files.
In other words, I want to be wowed by the memory upgrade. Each photo takes about 1/2 second to show a mini picture I on. I want as close to instant to choose what photo to edit.
I want to be wowed by the memory upgrade. Each photo takes about 1/2 second to show a mini picture I on. I want as close to instant to choose what photo to edit.
Most likely not memory issue. My bet is read speeds from SD card is slow. macOS still has to read the image data to create a thumbnail.
I am in a 14 day return period with a new 8g Ram IMac. I bought the Mac specifically for editing Raw photographs
Depending on what you use, the editing software may well struggle with only 8GB. For example, Lightroom needs RAM for processing using the graphics cores as well as for displaying images. I would advise at least 16GB.
If you're using Lightroom Classic or similar, with a large number of raw files, it's one of those applications that will use whatever memory you have, and perform better with plenty. But this means it will be more responsive when browsing thru large numbers of files, it will not make a difference on the speed of the pure calculations, ie. raw conversion, preview creation etc.

But that's a large database/editor type of app like LR. If you're, say, using a simple app just for raw conversion, like I often use Fujifilm converter for a few files at a time, and then import them into Photos app f.ex, having a lot of memory might not make a difference at all.

IIRC, Adobe recommends a minimum of 16GB for LR Classic.

Of course, the most important thing in these circumstances is to place your files on your speediest disk, which is most often the internal on modern macs. So, yes; 'copy the images to a folder and open'.
So here's what I did. I used a very fast SSD and transferred the SD files to it. I then was able to access the files much more quickly and I was happy. I then used Luminar Neo to photo stack 50 raw files. About 5 minutes in the IMAC said - application memory exausted. I only have 8GB. So that answers or confirms what you are all saying.

Now my dilema is upgrade the IMAC to 24GB (buy and return what I have), or purchase the Studio MAC with 32GB. The Studio is tempting but I don't like the added cabling.. I like the all in one. Note this is a hobby for me - but I have very good photo equipment and I take it seriously. And I'm retired so this is it if you know what I mean.
And I'm retired so this is it if you know what I mean.
Yes. Likely I will only ever buy one more Mac to replace my 2019 iMac.
Now my dilema is upgrade the IMAC to 24GB (buy and return what I have), or purchase the Studio MAC with 32GB.
If you really like the all-in-one , wait a little bit (few weeks?) and see what the M4 iMac brings. Very likely you will be able to get that with 32GB.

If I needed to replace my iMac, I would be looking at a well configured Mac Mini - maximum RAM and probably 2TB SSD - and continue to use by external disks.
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I ordered a 24G IMAC - its arrives the 21st of Oct - the 8G will be returned and I'll see what comes out in next few weeks.
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I was doing photo stacking today w 50 raw photos and as expected it ran out of gas. Cant wait to see what triple the memory does.
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