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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 16, 2017
I installed the High Sierra Supplemental Upgrade to my iMac mid-2011 with an AMD graphics card and a hybrid driver (HDD and SD). It seemed to be working well. But now my iMac mid-2011 gets stuck at a gray screen after the Apple logo is displayed and the progress bar is 3/4 done. It reboots again and it comes back to the same and it stays in a loop. I was able to stop this loop after I booted my iMac in safe mode. My iMac then went to the Apple logo and the progress bar was now 100% completed before the gray screen came up again. However, this time my iMac didn't enter a loop. It just got stuck in the gray screen.

I have been able to perform a hardware test and no problem was detected. I am also able to boot in single-user mode and so I could run a file check and all went well. But I can't even start it up in safe mode as it was explained above.

It seems that there are problems with the graphics card drivers.

Has anyone had this problem and know how to solve it? Maybe I can do something in single-user mode to solve this issue with the graphics card drivers.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 16, 2017
No, all I can do is to boot in single-user mode. I had my video card replaced in Apple's iMac mid-2011 video card replacement program. It was replaced just over 2 years ago. Now I am wondering if that is the issue. It wouldn't be very useful to have a video card replacement just to see it defective again in just over 2 years. Has anyone experienced the same?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
What's that "hybrid driver (HDD and SD)" ? If its not Apple Fusion Drive and if you can, try to disable it (just rename the .kext extension to something else), sounds like its hanging on some software component that won't load. I imagine if you did a fresh install instead of upgrade it would work.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2018
Were you able to resolve this issue? I am currently facing the same issue - mine was also mid-2011 and got the video card replaced 4 years back, recently swapped my optical drive with SSD and upgraded to High Sierra.

Nothing - not even boot from USB works :(


macrumors newbie
Apr 15, 2018
Same Problem Here....Imac 27 mid 2011
Cant boot into recovery Mode Or something Else...Last Time it worked there were No Problems found. But it’s Stuck in this Loop thinking about to try it with changing gpu Card


macrumors member
Sep 26, 2017
Same problem there.
I have 2 iMacs that do boot up and after the apple loading bar (full) became stuck with the grey screen.

one of them DO work with the LCD panel removed, so I think it's NOT a GPU issue but a panel/backlight problem...

With an external monitor I can install OSX without issues... I think the panel is gone!
I dont'have panel to swap them out at the moment but I will try....
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