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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 15, 2019
I have a mid 2011 21.5 inch iMac (HighSierra 10.13.6) and it has been disconnecting from the wifi constantly. Like every half and hour or so.

Turning on and off the wifi does not fix the problem. It also does not immediately reconnect to my wifi. I either have to restart the whole system, or set up a personal hotspot, connect to that, then choose and connect to the wifi.

I live in an apartment complex and the modem is not in my unit so I can't restart it or anything. Also, all my other devices have no problem (iphone, ipad, ps4,etc.) They connect and stay connected.

The problem did go away for a while, but it has started again. No idea what changed or if I did anything.

Any idea what's causing this? I have renewed the DHCP Lease but it did not do a thing.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2008
When was the last time the machine was opened, cleaned and connections checked?
That machine is not sealed like the current iMacs and can be opened easily. There are many videos on the net ( such as OWC and iFixit ) describing how to open them. It's possible its WiFi card needs replacing. Eight-year old machines need maintenance.
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