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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 22, 2009

I will be buying iMac next moth.

I have a friend that says that I should buy a screen protector or something like that beacuse iMac will get scratchs, dust into the screen...and the screen will become difficult to read...

I don't think so...but I want to be sure...

Do you think that iMac needs a screen protector? And the iPod Nano? I will get one with the promo...
No. Mine has zero scratches and dust can be wiped off with the cleaning cloth though there is rarely need to
Your friend doesn't know what he's talking about.

Yeah, that's what I thought, but you know, "I know cause a have one..." :rolleyes:

Thanks for your replies.

And, for the iPod Nano, will I need one? My iPhone hasn't any and screens looks really good, and it's 11 months old.
Yeah, that's what I tought, but you know, "I know cause a have one..." :rolleyes:

Thanks for your replies.

And, for the iPod Nano, will I need one? My iPhone hasn't any and screens looks really good, and it's 11 months old.

Not a screen protector, maybe a rubber case or something if you want. Seriously, all Apple products are fine without any add-ons, most of them just make them worse anyway
Nope. No scratches here.
And even if you never clean your screen, you'd still be able to read fine.
Getting a screen protector for your iMac is just unreasonable. Unless you're planning on caring it around as a laptop.. which I don't think you will.

All you need is an occasional quick screen wide with a cloth, you can use the one that ships with your iMac. Or go get one of those Monster cleaning kits that come with the spray and all that.

Your friend obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, no offense.

Oh and as for the Nano, I think you're fine without a screen protector. It's much more venerable to scratches than the iMac, but most people get fine without any protection. I would recommend getting a case for it though. they're small and fragile, so a case would be a good idea.
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