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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 25, 2007
Birmingham, UK
After a week or so of owning the iMac I noticed my first dead pixel, not great but I guess it's only one. Then later noticed this....


Looks a bit like a dead pixel, but it seems it's on the other side of the LCD screen. Anyone seem one like this before?

Link to a Youtube video of it. Was wondering if it's worth taking back. It's not a dead pixel, just can't work out what it is.
cant tell from your pic but if its red its a dead pixel.

I had one on my 24" broke my heart! pulled the glass and tried ot massage it, even those stupid Eptiliptic seizure screens, (flashes the colors fast) nothing worked.

In the end I sold it and ordered me an i7:D
Doesn't appear to be dust as it's not visable (using my Maglite) once the unit is off. I don't fancy removing the glass to get even more dust in.

Wondering it's something between the backlight and the rear of the LCD panel?
But the pixel is not dead, something is behind it. If it was dead the it would be stuck in the same place on the video. Moving from right to left the mark looks to go under the line.
But the pixel is not dead, something is behind it. If it was dead the it would be stuck in the same place on the video. Moving from right to left the mark looks to go under the line.

Ya from your video it cant be anything to do with any pixel, looks like something stuck to the inside of the glass. If i were you i would take it back to apple and get a replacement. This is a good way to get rid of your other real dead pixel while avoiding apple's dead pixel policy, they have to exchange because of the dirt.
I've spoken to John Lewis about it, and the high pitch noise and occasional flicker and they will refund me. So looks like it's back to the old Mac Mini :)
I have two such dust spots on mine. Oh the humanity.

Meanwhile, my old monitor is the type advocated by this clown and when you put them side by side.. oh what a difference. Firstly you need a head brace to make sure you always look at it on axis because its a TN panel, and then there's the flickering... yes flickering.. you think it's an Apple only problem? Not to mention the poor colour, brightness control etc.

So yeah, I've got a spec of dust. Whatever.
So yeah, I've got a spec of dust. Whatever.

The dust issue is poor design imo. The Glass facia shouldn't allow dust ingress. I guess it's a limitation of Apples quest for glossy screens. As for flickering, I can't say I've ever noticed any on my old Samsung 215TW (S-PVA panel). I did run them side by side and the iMac was a more vibrant image. Once it goes and I've only got the sammy then I'll get used to it.
The dust issue is poor design imo. The Glass facia shouldn't allow dust ingress.

Well I guess the question is when did it get in? I'm guessing it was there in the factory. If, as you hypothesise it can enter after that, then I suspect it could build up over time, at which point I definitely will complain.
I'm guessing it was there in the factory.

Most likely, but the manufacturing line should be a clean environment. Anyway, after the issues it's gone back and I've got a full refund.

Not too sure if I'll go down the iMac route again. Sad, cos it looked a nice package. Just the issues and after a week of ownership I'm not too sure about the glossy screen. In the evening it was fine, but daylight wasn't too great.
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