My white iMac, 24 with 7600GT, no longer has a display. I guess World of Warcraft finally killed it. Yeah, I am blaming WOW. Was playing in windowed mode and the game window went all bizarre, heavily distorted. While doing so the system was locked up. Beach ball everywhere and force quit was not working.
Eventually it allowed me to force quit WOW. I restarted the system thinking that just the game was hosed but next time I started the game I got all of 4 characters of my account name in before the system froze. Only thing that worked was the mouse and that was only good for making the beach ball go around the screen. Had to hard power it off (button hold).
Well no screen now. Reset failed too (nvram reset?). System boots finem does the nice tone, mouse comes on, caps lock flashes, but no display. White light is solid. Apple phone support finally decided that I need to take it in.
So what should I expect? Whats the average turn around on failed systems? My luck the damn thing will work once they get it. That would be best. It is going to Microcenter here in Marietta Georgia as they are the most convenient and only location I recognized from the the list the Apple guy gave me.
Eventually it allowed me to force quit WOW. I restarted the system thinking that just the game was hosed but next time I started the game I got all of 4 characters of my account name in before the system froze. Only thing that worked was the mouse and that was only good for making the beach ball go around the screen. Had to hard power it off (button hold).
Well no screen now. Reset failed too (nvram reset?). System boots finem does the nice tone, mouse comes on, caps lock flashes, but no display. White light is solid. Apple phone support finally decided that I need to take it in.
So what should I expect? Whats the average turn around on failed systems? My luck the damn thing will work once they get it. That would be best. It is going to Microcenter here in Marietta Georgia as they are the most convenient and only location I recognized from the the list the Apple guy gave me.