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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 9, 2006
I have a Mid 2007 iMac, and recently picked up a TrippLite 1000VA UPS, which is connected to one of the USB ports on the back of iMac. I usually leave iMac on, or put it to sleep. Since the UPS, sleep doesn't seem to be the same - iMac now wakes up with a bump of the mouse, rather then a deliberate key stroke to wake it. Anybody else notice similar behavior?
I have a Mid 2007 iMac, and recently picked up a TrippLite 1000VA UPS, which is connected to one of the USB ports on the back of iMac. I usually leave iMac on, or put it to sleep. Since the UPS, sleep doesn't seem to be the same - iMac now wakes up with a bump of the mouse, rather then a deliberate key stroke to wake it. Anybody else notice similar behavior?

I had a similar issue w/ a Cyberpower UPS--it would keep waking the iMac and wouldn't let it sleep. I finally called them and they exchanged the unit ("...known issue") and it hasn't happened since.

If you do not touch the iMac at all, does it still wake?
If you do not touch the iMac at all, does it still wake?

How would I know it was awake without touching it, since the display is off?

Fortunately, I bought it at Costco, so no hassle with the manufacturer - maybe I'll just exchange it and try another.
I have a Tripp Lite OMNI900LCD and a 2.4Ghz Mid-2007 iMac - it too won't go to sleep while the UPS is connected.

I should just disconnect the USB. Leopard can't figure out the time remaining, and the percentage remaining flips between 6% and 100% occasionally for no reason about once a week. My power goes out monthly, so I set the computer to shut off automatically when the reported power level drops to 15%. I've never seen the iMac successfully automatically shut down, even though I can see the percentage being reported up in the menu bar. I've been around a few times when the power went out so I could see what happened.

Other than that, it does run a long time. I have my iMac, time capsule and DSL modem on there, and I can operate for a good 20 minutes before the battery dies.

I don't know why, but my whole neighborhood goes dark pretty regularly. I'm a customer of FirstEnergy, the same folks who brought you the blackout of 2003 AND two of the top six most dangerous nuclear incidents as ranked by the NRC :)
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