If I could...
If I
could have afforded it, I would have gone with the Mac
Pro. I bought one for my wife 6 years ago, and I've never regretted it. That machine blew everything else away. That was before the new graphics hardware.
However, some of us have been having severe problems with heat. If you
do get an iMac, then the AppleCare is a
must, not an option. The Power Supply (PS) is running 72C (162F) right now as I am doing nothing but typing this... The wireless runs 60-64C and higher at times. Ambient is 24C (75F). I ran Never Winter Nights2 (recompiled for native Mac operation) and stood in a village and just let it look around (constant loop of just turning around--held the key down) and by the time I stopped it an hour later the GPU was at
78C! (172F)
I have found a few versions of "FanControl" around that are designed to handle increasing the fans to cool the machine. They are good, but I'm rewriting the daemon to be more secure and cleaner and have two slopes for quieter operation. If anyone is interested I may post the source when I'm done. I tried smcFanControl2, but it did not work well in a multi-user environment and sometimes lost it's configuration. I
did use it long enough to run the fans to max and see what happened.
I ran the fans to max and played NWN2 and the temperature of the GPU peaked at about 68C; a touch on the warm side, but not dangerous (like 78C). I did not want to have to set the fans to full, just to handle whatever the game
might throw at me; I want the fans to quiet down when they can.
The choice is really up to you. I just think the MacPro will last longer; probably by about 2-4 years. Also, the iMac tops out with the nVidia8800GS, which is a lower-mid range card. The MacPro with the 8800GT is going to be better, longer. My MacPro started with a simple Radeon 9000 and now I can upgrade it to Radeon 9600 (or 9800 ?) if I like...
PS: I use iStatPro from iSlayer.com for Temperature readings.
original FanControl:
improved iMacFanControl:
(There's even a couple of MacPro versions of FanControl if you look...)
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24" Alum. iMac (2008) 3.06GHz C2Duo 4G RAM 8800GS 500G HD DVDburner ... the works...
Running 10.5.6, iWork'08, FireFox3.0.3 and more...