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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2008
hey guys.
just after some opinion really.
i am debating on weather to buy a macbook pro (15" 2.5) or a top of the line iMac (24" 3.06)
i am obviously paying attention to rumors of an update but lets try to leave that out for a minute.

i am a media production student so i use final cut pro, motion, photoshop etc. alot and although my current MBP handles this i feel it can be much better if i updated.

so what one would you guys recommend? i am not sure how much being mobile is important to me, my current computer really does not move from my desk that much.
Do you think i would see a huge speed increase? i think its because the MBP has the word 'pro' on the end and that seems to make me feel better than buying an imac but i know the imac is more powerful.

so opinions...
cheers guys....
I'm in the same boat. I have an old 17" MBP that does everything I need it to, and on friday my new, 2.9 17" unibody arrives. I'm wondering if I should keep my old laptop and get the new iMac instead.
The only question you need to ask yourselves is:

Do I need it somewhere else other then in my home?

Yes = MBP
No = iMac

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