In regards to iMacs, how would you rate their portability? I feel that it is far easier to be mobile with an iMac than its PC counterparts.
Do many people travel with iMacs? I suppose you could mod a Pelican case and carry it in that manner...
I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro and an iMac. I realize this decision often times comes down to portability, hence my question. But I've found that my current laptop sits on my desk 95% of the time. I would certainly shoot for an iMac if anyone can affirm that I could go portable with it fairly safely every now and then and describe to me the best way to do so...
Do many people travel with iMacs? I suppose you could mod a Pelican case and carry it in that manner...
I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro and an iMac. I realize this decision often times comes down to portability, hence my question. But I've found that my current laptop sits on my desk 95% of the time. I would certainly shoot for an iMac if anyone can affirm that I could go portable with it fairly safely every now and then and describe to me the best way to do so...